by Lina Elisabeth Preston 4 min read

As we come into January 2019, we find a great deal of instability in the world and the planetary energies are complex. Many nations are divided on important issues. The US enters 2019 during a government shutdown. Great Britain is divided regarding Brexit. Countries all around the globe also feel pressure. When unpredictability is such a big part of our reality it’s helpful to examine the planet Uranus.

Uranus Reveals Instability

Uranus helps us understand some of the instability we see in the world right now. Uranus is an outer planet and is not traditionally included in the nine planets used in Vedic Astrology. However, Neo Vedic Astrology includes the outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Uranus is rebellious. At its best Uranus will express uniqueness, new thought and innovation. An expansive Uranus can revolutionize our lives in positive ways. But when challenged, this planet manifests an instability that can potentially lead us into chaos.

Uranus is currently retrograde and has stationed at 4 degrees Aries (sidereal astrology). A retrograde Uranus makes it harder to restrain the erratic and impulsive qualities of this planet. When Great Britain voted for Brexit back in April 2016, Uranus was in Gandanta between Pisces and Aries, which gave an indication that uncertainty and turmoil would follow the decision.

Uranus is currently in a difficult aspect to the karmic axis (the two lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu). This puts pressure on some of the deep karmic issues that the world is grappling with today: migration, immigration, security, and the challenges and breaking downs of institutions and democratic processes.

In the natal chart of President Trump, the Sun is close to both Rahu and Uranus in his 10th house. This is a house that shows the impact of our actions on the world. His time as a president of the United States reflects a similar unpredictable and impulsive pattern.

After January 6th, Uranus goes direct again and will very slowly move away from the close and challenging aspect to each of the Lunar nodes.

Two Eclipses

Almost at the same time as Uranus turns direct, a partial solar eclipse will occur on January 5th. The new Moon is in Sagittarius. The eclipse can be seen in East Asia and the Pacific.

An eclipse reflects change. In the United States a newly elected congress will be seated on January 3rd.

A total lunar eclipse takes place during the full Moon on January 21st. It occurs in Cancer in Pushya nakshatra. During the time between the two eclipses (approximately two weeks) we often experience more emotional and restless energy than normal.

Cancer is a water sign and the eclipse can be seen from many oceans: The Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean and the Arctic. It is also seen in North- and South America, parts of Europe and Africa.

Cancer is a sign expressing strong sentiment, a need for security and will often exhibit care for the environment. The eclipse has a potential for bringing out strong emotions and events related to water.

Sun / Saturn conjunction

The Sun and Saturn are both in Sagittarius and reveal a conflict between Leadership and Government. The Sun feels restricted by Saturn, but the conjunction also favors hard work. We may need to shoulder more personal responsibility during this transit.

The Sun stays in Sagittarius until January 14th.

Mercury in Sagittarius and Capricorn

Mercury came into Sagittarius on the last day of 2018 and will stay in this sign until January 20th. Mercury joins the Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius and is also involved in the solar eclipse on January 5th.

Mercury expresses intellect, communication and is also a planet involved in trade and commerce. Mercury is under stress while in Sagittarius with the fighting Sun and Saturn and especially during the solar eclipse on January 5th. This stress can indicate challenges for the Mercury ruled signs of Gemini and Virgo.

Mercury will be in Capricorn between January 20th and February 6th.

Venus in Scorpio

Venus ends its long stay in Libra and transits through Scorpio between January 1st and January 29th.

Scorpio is already graced by the presence of Jupiter and Scorpio now has two benefic planets in its sign. This is helpful for Scorpio. Both Venus and Jupiter act as counsellors and guides but in slightly different ways. Venus can guide us to express earthly and material desires in good and dharmic ways and Jupiter wants us to develop knowledge and wisdom. Scorpio is transformative and there may be some disagreement between Venus and Jupiter in how we shall transform and change.

When Venus moves to Sagittarius on January 29th it will be in Gandanta between Scorpio and Sagittarius. The energy of Venus is disturbed on this day as it leaves a water sign and moves into a fire sign.

Jupiter in Scorpio aspects Mars (the ruler of Scorpio) and Mars transits Pisces (a sign ruled by Jupiter). Mars and Jupiter are in each others signs which is strengthening and supportive for both planets.

I hope that your New Year resolutions, and your actions, will be guided by the knowledge and wisdom of Jupiter!

“In the garden of the New Year culture the seeds of well-planned new activities until they grow into fragrant flowering plants of diverse successes. Let every day in the New Year become a step upward on the ladder of your Self-realization.”
–Paramhansa Yogananda

Dates to Remember:

Dec 31st – Jan 20th
Mercury in Sagittarius
Jan 1st – Jan 29th
Venus in Scorpio
Jan 5th
Partial Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
Jan 6th
Uranus moves direct
Jan 15th – Feb 12th
Sun in Capricorn
Jan 20th – Feb 6th
Mercury in Capricorn
Jan 21st
Total Lunar eclipse in Cancer
Jan 30th
Venus in Capricorn


Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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