by Lina Elisabeth Preston 4 min read

Astrological Highlights: March 2025

We are in a time of undeniable change. Astrologically, March and April are likely the most dramatic months in 2025. The first pair of eclipses in 2025 occur in March. And on March 29, the same day as the solar eclipse, Saturn moves into a new sign, Pisces.

Many planets are in Pisces now. Venus and Mercury will both retrograde in Pisces and they will also fight a planetary war.

This month, the Sun also combusts Saturn in Aquarius.

Pisces - Loss or Liberation?

As the last of the twelve signs, the energy of Pisces suggests endings and transformation. Many people around the globe are experiencing uncomfortable change and a sense of uprooting.

Pisces is a water sign, and the water element is associated with feelings. Many planets in Pisces reveal deep emotions, and dramatic change can easily cause us to feel insecure and overwhelmed.

However, Pisces is also a sign of liberation. And this is a time that can be powerful from a spiritual perspective. The surface of the sea may show ripples and crashing waves, making it hard to remain calm and centered. But remember that there is stillness deep beneath the surface of a stormy sea—meditation can help us experience that stillness.

Relationships and Values

A retrograde Venus this month indicates that we are examining our relationships and values. Some relationships are ending, or we may want to reacquaint ourselves with relationships from the past.

Venus will stay in Pisces until May 31. Although this is a time of great turmoil, Venus is actually in its exaltation sign. Venus in Pisces tends to be creative, intuitive, and empathetic. Venus's closeness to Rahu and Neptune suggests a productive time for entertainment and movies. But this planetary combination can also make it challenging to grasp reality.

Planetary War - Difficult Negotiations

Pay attention on March 11. There will be a planetary war between Mercury and Venus. The two planets are both at 14 degrees in Pisces. A planetary war occurs when two planets are within a degree of one another.

This planetary war between Mercury and Venus occurs at the same degree as the solar eclipse on March 29. This degree is charged with energy before and after the eclipse, so the planetary war between Mercury and Venus also has the energy of the solar eclipse on March 29. A planetary war between Mercury and Venus indicates challenging communication and negotiation.

Sun and Saturn Conjunction

Another planetary conjunction to be aware of on March 11 occurs near 28 degrees in Aquarius between Sun and Saturn.

Sun and Saturn are enemies. When they are close, the Sun hurts Saturn with its heat, causing combustion. The combined energy of the Sun and Saturn becomes potentially destructive.

The Sun represents ego, leadership, and autocracy, while Saturn represents work, service, and democracy.

A Total Lunar Eclipse on March 14

The first lunar eclipse of the year takes place on March 14. The eclipsed Moon will be in the last degree of Leo in the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.

Uttara Phalguni is associated with contracts, unions, and alliances and with 
the fulfillment of responsibilities.

Saturn, in the last degree of Aquarius, is closely involved with the Sun and opposite the eclipsed Moon in Leo.

This Lunar eclipse is impacting Donald Trump. The planets involved in the eclipse —the Sun, Moon, and Saturn—reveal a negative influence on his most influential planets: Sun/Rahu and Moon/Ketu.

The lunar eclipse is visible over North America, South America, western parts of Europe, and Africa.

Challenging Communication

Mercury goes retrograde on March 15th, 24 hours after the lunar eclipse in Pisces. The time between two eclipses has unstable energy, which also impacts Mercury.

Communication, negotiations, and trade are impacted when Mercury is debilitated, retrograde, and fighting a war with Venus. Take extra care in your communications with others at this time.

A Solar Eclipse on March 29

The solar eclipse occurs at 14 degrees Pisces on March 29. By then, there will be five planets in Pisces. As if that wasn’t enough, Saturn will also move into Pisces on March 29, six hours after the solar eclipse.

With six planets in Pisces and volatile energy, it is essential to make a conscious effort to stay grounded. Taking long walks in nature, maintaining a good routine, and meditation can help you avoid stress. Breathe deeply to remain calm. Connect with good friends and supportive, positive people.

Saturn transits Pisces between March 29, 2025, and February 23, 2028

Saturn’s transit in Pisces will last almost three years, and I will write more about Saturn in Pisces in a separate blog post. Stay tuned for more information.

“Dive beneath the crashing waves of outer circumstances—beneath the ceaselessly changing currents in your outer life—and salvage the sunken treasure at your inner depths. Soul consciousness is a reflection of the changeless infinity of Spirit.” 
–Paramhansa Yogananda

March 2025 Dates to Remember:

  • March 1 - April 12: Venus Retrograde in Pisces
  • March 11 - 12: Saturn/Sun conjunction at 27 degrees Aquarius
  • March 11: Mercury and Venus planetary war at 14 degrees Pisces
  • March 14: A total Lunar eclipse at 29°44 Leo. Visible in North and South America, Europe, much of Asia, much of Australia, much of Africa
  • March 14 - April 13: Sun in Pisces
  • March 15 - April 7: Mercury Retrograde in Pisces
  • March 19: Uranus in Taurus
  • March 29:Partial Solar Eclipse at 14*47 Pisces. Visible in Europe, North Asia, North West Africa, northeast America, Atlantic, Arctic
  • March 29, 2025 - February 23, 2028: Saturn is in Pisces
  • March 29 - May 29: Rahu and Saturn are both in Pisces



Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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