by Lina Elisabeth Preston 5 min read

A very important election is just around the corner. The United States and the entire world eagerly await the results. Let’s take a look at the birth charts of the two candidates and the chart of the United States to see what insights Vedic astrology can offer.

The Nodes of Destiny

Let’s begin by looking at the Lunar Nodes, Rahu and Ketu, which have an important role during this time.

In Vedic Astrology, Rahu and Ketu play a large role in the collective consciousness. Rahu or Ketu are shadow planets– the shadows we see during eclipses. Eclipses often reveal something new for countries and people at large. 

In a birth chart, Rahu and Ketu reveal individual karma, although this karma is often interconnected with collective karma. We are all influenced by what is going on around us. When an individual has powerful lunar nodes, they can influence the collective mind.

When we are in a Rahu planetary period (an 18-year-long cycle), Rahu will influence our ambitions and material desires. Although Rahu can make us feel like we are on a roller coaster ride, we are actually trying to fulfill our deeper material purpose.

However, when Ketu dominates, we tend to be inward, perhaps preferring to meditate and reflect on spiritual life rather than pursuing our worldly purpose. Ketu can also indicate loss, disappointment, or disinterest in the material world and greater efforts towards inner life. Ketu is the planet of liberation and enlightenment.

Rahu and Ketu work in tandem. Ketu releases past karma, and Rahu expresses a need to create new karma.

Not unexpectedly, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are both individuals with a powerful Rahu.

But before we examine the role of Rahu in their charts, let’s look at the chart for the United States.

The United States is in a Rahu Planetary Period

Countries also have astrological charts. The widely accepted birth chart for the United States, as calculated by astrologer James Kelleher, is set at the time of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, at 6:30 pm in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

Chart for the Unites States

This chart shows that the United States is in Rahu’s planetary period (between 2015 and 2032).

In the US chart, Rahu and Mercury are both in Cancer, a sign ruling mother, family, security, and the domestic. Rahu itself governs the new and untried, foreigners and foreign land. 

During Rahu's period, the United States is having a focus on foreign affairs, security, immigration, housing, and real estate. Rahu is in the 8th house in the United States, a house of secrets, sudden events, deep transformation, and change.

The Moon in Aquarius, the 8th house from Cancer, is undergoing deep Sade Sati. Thus, there is deep turmoil and polarity during this time. 

Rahu and Donald Trump

Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946, at 10:54 in Queens, New York.

Donald Trump Birth Chart

Donald Trump was born during a lunar eclipse. His Sun is with Rahu, and his Moon is with Ketu.

Donald Trump’s rising sign is Leo, and his Lagna Lord (the ruler of his first house) is the Sun. The Sun in his chart is positioned close to Rahu in his 10th house. The 10th house represents career, ambitions, and recognition.

Rahu tends to expand everything, making it larger than life. The Lord of his Ascendant, the Sun, is next to Rahu and represents authority, power, leadership, and ego. Donald Trump’s birth chart suggests a person with a big global influence.

Rahu and Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris was born on October 20, 1964, at 21:28 in Oakland, California.

Kamala Harris Birth Chart

Kamala Harris’ Ascendant is very close to her Rahu in the sign of Gemini. Kamala’s Rahu and her Ascendant are also close in the divisional charts. The 16 divisional charts reveal the auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of planets in specific areas. Kamala’s close conjunction between Rahu and her Ascendant in 15 of the 16 divisional charts - most in Gemini - shows Rahu’s powerful influence, strong ideals, and great intelligence. 

The Arudha Lagna reveals our image and our impact on society. Kamala’s Arudha Lagna is Aquarius.  There is a close connection between her Ascendant and her Arudha Lagna. Rahu and Saturn rule Aquarius in Vedic astrology, Aquarius expresses universal law, and Kamala is a successful lawyer and politician. With Mercury (Lord of her Ascendant) in Libra, issues of fairness and balance are close to her heart.

The Importance of Astrological Timing - the Planetary Periods  

Kamala Harris is in her Rahu period now. She will remain in Rahu until 2030 when she will enter a Jupiter dasha. Rahu currently transits Pisces, Kamala’s 10th house of career, recognition, and work.

Rahu can break through limitations, thus making us face a new reality. In Kamala's chart, Rahu, in the first house next to her ascendant, reveals a strong influence through her physical presence and character. If Kamala Harris wins the election, she will become the first woman president of the USA, and her example will greatly increase awareness of the importance of racial and gender equality.

Donald Trump became the president of the United States at the very end of his Rahu period in 2016 (Rahu/Mars). His presidency reflected a controversial, stormy, and divided country.

However, in recent years, Donald Trump has been more influenced by Ketu than Rahu, which has been an uncomfortable shift for him. Trump was in a Jupiter/Ketu period between October 22, 2023, and September 27, 2024, and he is still influenced by Ketu transiting near his Jupiter in Virgo.

Ketu is always the opposite of Rahu. Its purpose is to liberate and to align us with our spiritual purpose. It represents the non-material. However, Ketu can cause loss, chaos, and disappointment on the material plane. We respond differently to Ketu’s energy. It can be positive if we work with its spiritual qualities. One person will happily explain, “ Hooray! I get to meditate, go on retreats, and reflect on the meaning of life." However, if someone resists working with Ketu’s spiritual qualities, they may instead get caught up in the shadow planet’s difficult side of loss, chaos, and disappointment.

Donald Trump is attached to ego, wealth, and power, making it hard for him to accept Ketu’s energy. 

Ketu is transiting Virgo. Virgo is the sign of Trump’s natal Jupiter, and it is also his second house. Jupiter stands for law and wealth; the second house represents assets, domestic life, and speech. However, with Ketu's influence on Jupiter, Donald Trump is experiencing legal and financial losses. 

Donald Trump is now in Jupiter's main dasha (planetary period) and Venus sub dasha (September 27, 2024 to May 29, 2027). At first glance, this may seem like a better combination for him since both planets are benefic. However, his Venus is in his 12th house, next to Saturn. Again, the 12th house is good for spirituality but can also express debt and material loss. The 12th house can express healing and liberation, but it can also be a house for imprisonment. The moon is the ruler of Cancer, his 12th house, and is near Ketu in his birth chart.

A Troublesome Mars Transit

When Mars leaves Gemini on October 20 and enters Cancer, it will immediately transit over Donald Trump’s Saturn and Venus. October 20 to 27 are critical days for him.

Mars will become retrograde on December 8 and slowly return to Gemini. 
On January 20th, the Presidential inauguration day, retrograde Mars will be exactly over Saturn, near Venus, in Donald Trump’s chart.

This is a volatile period astrologically, and we will likely experience a stormy time ahead. Both candidates have a strong Rahu, giving them great influence and power over the public. However, they each work with this energy differently, and depending on who wins, they will take the world in very different directions. 

“Teach me to find Thee in inner peace, that I may be with Thee calmly in the midst of outer tumult. Hubbub or silence, tumult or peace: I care not, so as long as Thou wilt teach me to find Thee anywhere, at any time.”
–Paramhansa Yogananda


Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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