by Lina Elisabeth Preston 3 min read

November 2024 is, not unexpectedly, a very intense month. What insights can Vedic astrology offer us?

We will see that Mars in Cancer is a major contributor to the drama.

Mars and Pluto are exactly opposite one another. This manifests in intense battles for power.

Mars also influences Saturn. Saturn is now retrograde but turns direct on November 15. That is the same day the Sun joins Mercury in Scorpio, a sign of transformative power.

New Moon on November 1st in Libra

November begins with a new Moon in Libra, a sign symbolized by a pair of scales. The US election is around the corner, and with much polarization, the scales represent a desire for fairness and balance.

In Vedic astrology, the new Moon occurs at 15 degrees Libra, in Swati nakshatra. Rahu rules this nakshatra, which is good for communication. A new Moon is considered a good time to start something new. Swati Nakshatra, whose symbol is a sword, indicates a readiness to fight for freedom and independence.

Venus in Turmoil

Venus, the ruler of Libra, expresses turmoil shortly after election day when transiting the gandanta zone between Scorpio and Sagittarius on November 6 -7.

There is a possibility for legal issues emerging once Venus is settled in Sagittarius after November 7. Venus in Sagittarius will exchange signs with Jupiter in Taurus. Sagittarius and Jupiter indicate truth, finances, and legal matters.

A Contentious Mars

Mars in Cancer can make us defensive. Mars's close opposition to Pluto in Capricorn suggests battles. This opposition often indicates violence or destruction, sometimes war, flooding, hurricanes, or earthquakes.

Mars aspects the two signs ruled by Saturn—Capricorn and Aquarius—and also aspects Saturn itself. Saturn is the planet of karmic destiny and rules Aquarius, a sign of service and political reform.

The opposition between Mars and Pluto is very close during the first week of November.

Mars will slowly move forward until it turns retrograde in Cancer on December 6th.
The same close aspect between Mars and Pluto will occur again in January 2025– this time with a retrograde Mars.

Pluto Return for the United States

The astrological birth chart for the United States, as calculated by astrologer James Kelleher, is set at the time of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, at 6:30 pm in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

According to this birth chart, the United States is currently not only in Sade Sati, when Saturn transits the natal moon, but is also experiencing a return of its natal Pluto.

Pluto's return to its natal position is intense but can offer opportunities for profound change.

Full Moon in Aries

November 15 is an astrologically significant date.

On November 15, the full Moon in Aries will occur in Krittika Nakshatra. Krittika is ruled by the Sun and is associated with power, leadership, and purification.

Saturn is Now Direct

On November 15, Saturn turns direct in Aquarius after being retrograde since June 6. When Saturn is direct, this planet has more clarity regarding its direction and can focus more energy on organization and work.

On November 15, the Sun enters Scorpio, a sign of transformative power. He joins Mercury in Scorpio.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury is retrograde between November 25 and December 15. Mercury’s retrograde is entirely in Scorpio.

Practice Even-Mindedness

The water signs—Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces—are influential now. Water represents feelings and emotions. It needs purification from toxins and needs to flow.

When water is stagnant, contaminated, or filled with toxins, its expression becomes negative. Emotions such as anger, anxiety, and insecurity can manifest. We become vulnerable to manipulation, disease, and revenge. Environmental toxins can cause flooding and rainstorms.

This is an intense month astrologically. It is especially helpful to practice even-mindedness during times like these.

Be neither elated nor depressed at anything outside yourself. Behold the passing spectacle of life with an even mind, For life’s ups and downs are but waves on an ocean, constantly in flux. Shun emotional involvement with them while remaining ever calm, ever happy, at your inner center in the spine.
–Paramhansa Yogananda, How to Be Happy All the Time

Vedic Astrology Date to Remember: November 2024

  • November 1: New Moon Libra 15:23
  • November 2 - 4: Mars opposite Pluto exact
  • November 5 - 6: Venus in Gandanta
  • November 6: Venus in Sagittarius
  • November 7: Moon in Capricorn opposite Mars conj Pluto
  • November 8 - 10: Moon in Aquarius conjunct Saturn aspected by Mars
  • November 12: Saturn aspect Mercury
  • November 15: Full Moon in Aries, Krittika Nakshatra
  • November 15 - December 15: Sun in Scorpio
  • November 15: Saturn direct in Aquarius 18:29
  • November 25 - December 15: Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio



Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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