by Lina Elisabeth Preston 4 min read

Astrological Highlights: January 2025

January is setting the stage for a year of upheaval and change. Mars is agitated, so it is important to work on uplifting our energy.

Toward the end of the month, Venus will transit into the water sign Pisces, and a cluster of planets will be gathered in this sign during the next couple of months.

What else can Vedic astrology tell us about January 2025?

A Turbulent Mars 

As we enter January, Mars is transiting the sign of his debilitation: Cancer
Mars is not at his best in this sign. Cancer rules our domestic and emotional well-being, and Mars is not comfortable with the emotional nature of Cancer.

Furthermore, Mars is now retrograde, moving towards Gemini.

What are the Qualities of Mars? 

Mars (Kuja) motivates us. He governs our desires and passions. His nature is fire. Mars gives us energy, willpower, independence, and the courage to accomplish something.

Mars is competitive, technical, and strategic. He will defend and protect, but he can also attack and conquer. 

Fire is quick and can get out of control. Similarly, an out-of-control Mars can manifest anger, violence, accidents, and war. Mars also rules over earthly calamities such as fires, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis (Kuja means “born of the earth”). 

Profound Transformation on January 3rd

The retrograde Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn are in exact opposition on January 3 - 4. Mars/Pluto oppositions can manifest anger and destructive energy. 

The United States Congress will open during the exact opposition of Mars and Pluto on January 3. The last time Mars was in close opposition to Pluto was during the US election on November 5th. But Mars was then going direct. Now, Mars is moving retrograde over the same degree as on November 5th. Whenever a planet retrogrades, it stirs up the energy from its previous transit. 

Moreover, both Lunar Nodes reveal this is intense karma: Rahu in Pisces aspects Mars to a degree on January 3, and Ketu in Virgo aspects Pluto. 

Mars also aspects Saturn, the Moon, and Venus in Aquarius. On January 3, Mercury is Gandanta between Scorpio and Sagittarius, which makes communication confusing.

Mars will continue retrograde until February 23. Then, on April 27, he will be opposite Pluto again.

Pluto Return

The United States is experiencing a Pluto return.

This is according to the astrological birth chart for the United States, which was set at the time of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, at 6:30 p.m. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Kelleher).

A Pluto return does not occur often because it takes Pluto 248 years to make a complete orbit. The Declaration of Independence was written 248 years ago. A Pluto return in Capricorn indicates shifting realities and structural change.

On January 20, Inauguration Day, the Sun is conjunct Pluto, showing the powerful shift in leadership. Retrograde Mars is now 0 degrees in Cancer, transiting Donald Trump’s natal Saturn. Later that day, Mars retrogrades back into Gemini.

Mars in Gemini

While Mars is in Gemini, we can expect a lot of energy around communication and technical innovation. Mars's difficult side will likely cause conflicts and disagreements in these areas, especially regarding AI. He leaves Gemini on April 2 to be in Cancer again until June 6.

Full Moon on January 13

A few hours after the full Moon, which occurs in the last degree of Gemini, on January 13, the Sun moves into Capricorn. The day when the Sun moves into Capricorn is auspicious, celebrating the light as the days get longer.

Venus in Exaltation

On January 27, Venus leaves Aquarius and moves into Pisces, the exaltation sign for Venus. Pisces is a sign ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in Taurus, a sign ruled by Venus; the two planets exchange signs. This strengthens both planets.

Venus will stay in Pisces for a long time, until May 31, and will be retrograde throughout March and into April. Many planets will join. This cluster of planets in Pisces will create some commotion.

A Positive Alignment

When a difficult side of a planet is being expressed, it is good to consciously emphasize that planet’s positive qualities. Right now, it is helpful for us to work with Mars in this way.

Here are some things you can do to work with Mars constructively:

Mars has energy and enjoys physical activity such as 

  • Hatha Yoga 
  • Walking, hiking, swimming, running and sports
  • Landscaping
  • Carpentry (working with tools)
  • Cooking

On a mental level, Mars enjoys 

  • Practicing strategic thinking and problem-solving
Spiritual ways to work with Mars include
  • Practicing non-violence
  • Practicing non-greed
  • Developing your willpower, especially for accomplishing spiritual goals
  • A mantra for Mars can align us with his positive energies: strength, courage, vitality, and protection. The mantra for Mars is “Om Kujaya Namaha.” or “Om Mangalaya Namaha”

Affirmation for a Successful New Year:

I leave behind me both my failures and accomplishments. 
What I do today will create a new and better future,
Filled with inner joy.
–Swami Kriyananda

January 2025 Astrological Dates to Remember

  • January 2-3: Mars / Pluto opposition
  • January 13: Full Moon in Gemini 29:47
  • January 13 - February 12: Sun in Capricorn
  • January 18: Saturn/Venus conjunction exact 22 degrees Aquarius
  • January 20: Mars retrogrades back into Gemini
  • January 20: Sun /Pluto conjunction in Capricorn
  • January 24 - February 10: Mercury in Capricorn
  • January 27 - May 31: Venus in Pisces
  • January 29: New Moon in Capricorn 15°38
  • January 31: Venus/Rahu/Neptune conjunction 3° Pisces


Peace and Blessings in the coming year,

Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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