by Lina Elisabeth Preston 4 min read

The second eclipse season of the year is upon us. A lunar eclipse will occur on September 17 in Pisces, and a solar eclipse will occur on October 2nd.

Mars is involved in a very long transit in Gemini and Cancer. He stays in Gemini through September until October 20 and later returns in January 2025. Meanwhile, Mercury is very busy, and Uranus is retrograde from September 1st.

Mars in Gemini: A Significant Transit

Mars, a planet whose fiery energy compels us to take action, is now in the sign Gemini.

What is significant about Mars at this time?

Mars’ transit in a sign typically lasts six to seven weeks. However, Mars is about to go retrograde and will slow down considerably by the end of this month. Mars moved into Gemini on August 26, and due to going retrograde on December 6, he will stay in Gemini and Cancer until June 6, 2025– seven and a half months, which is far longer than his normal transit.

Here are some key dates for Mars’ transit:

  • August 26 to October 20, 2024: Mars is in Gemini
  • October 20, 2024 to January 20, 2025: Mars is in Cancer
  • December 6, 2024, to January 23, 2025: Mars is retrograde
  • January 20 to April 2, 2025: Mars will again be in Gemini
  • April 2 to June 6, 2025: Mars in Cancer

What Does Mars Represent?

The Sanskrit name for Mars is Kuja. Kuja means born of the Earth. Mars (or Kuja) is of the fire element and expresses energy, desires, and passion. Mars is technical, logical, courageous, and assertive.

Mars is considered a malefic planet because he can also manifest disharmony, anger, disruption, war, and accidents.

Mars in Gemini - Intense Communication

Gemini has a curious nature and a wide variety of interests. Ruled by Mercury, the emphasis is on communication and learning. As an air sign, Gemini has many ideas and is quick, intelligent, and sometimes restless. The internet comes under its domain.

Because Gemini has so much mental activity, it is good for the Gemini mind to have periods of calmness and rest. However, the current fiery Mars in Gemini will increase mental activity. And Mars is not at his best in Gemini. This is a time when communication may be sharp. Political debate is at an all-time high. We may also need to watch our tongues to avoid unnecessary arguments.

At the same time, the world is actively involved in new technology, and progress may be made in technology regarding health.

Mars in Gemini will aspect the following signs:

  1. Virgo - Potentially triggering issues around health and viruses.
  2. Sagittarius - A lot of activity around outreach. Division in politics and religion.
  3. Capricorn - Structural change

A Turbulent Time

Mercury impacts Mars’ transit, because he rules Gemini, the sign Mars is traveling through. Mercury moves through the turbulent Gandanta zone between Cancer and Leo on September 2nd and 3rd.

On September 4th, a conjunction of Ketu and a debilitated Venus is exact in Virgo.
Venus and Ketu receive an aspect from Mars. This is a difficult time for relationships and health.

Mars in Gemini will closely aspect Pluto in Capricorn, indicating some form of destruction.

Mercury Enters Virgo on the Day of the Fall Equinox, September 22nd.

On the day of the fall equinox, Mercury enters Virgo.

Mars influences Mercury's two signs, Gemini and Virgo, and also aspects Mercury itself. With Mars’s strong influence on Mercury, communication and commerce are very competitive.

Uranus Retrograde

In addition to Mars's powerful influences on Mercury, the outer planet Uranus will retrograde for five months beginning on September 1st. Considered “a higher octave” of Mercury, Uranus is associated with change, innovation, and technology.

Uranus retrograde allows us to integrate and reflect on recent life changes, both on personal and societal levels.

The Sun, the Moon, and Eclipses

The Sun and the Moon are luminaries that give us light. The Sun represents energy, vitality, power, and authority. The Moon represents the feminine, showing the power of awareness.

The Sun and the Moon are on the same degree at the time of the new Moon on September 2nd. A new Moon begins the lunar cycle. It is a good time to start something new.

The new Moon on September 2 is in the sign of Leo in Purva Phalguni. This nakshatra, ruled by Venus, suggests relaxing and enjoying ourselves. However, the debilitated Venus with Ketu in Virgo indicates relationship or health challenges, and the aspect from Saturn retrograde in Aquarius suggests correction and opposition. Although this new Moon can indicate some challenges, it is also a good time for setting spiritual intentions.

On September 4, Mars aspects the Moon, Ketu, and Venus in Virgo and will also closely aspect Pluto in Capricorn. Mars can manifest change, transformation, and even destruction at this time.

The full Moon on September 17 is also a lunar eclipse. It takes place at 1 degree Pisces. It will be followed by a solar eclipse in Virgo on October 2nd.

Venus will move into its sign Libra on September 18th. Mercury is in its sign Virgo after September 22nd.

It is good that both Venus and Mercury are strong by the end of the month. However, the solar eclipse is on October 2nd, and the energy between the two eclipses is unstable. A lot can still happen.

‘Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.’
– Rabindranath Tagore

September 2024 Astrological Dates to Remember

  • September 1, 2024 - Jan 30, 2025: Uranus retrograde in Taurus
  • September 2: New Moon in Leo, Purva Phalguni nakshatra
  • September 3 - 4: Mercury Gandanta
  • September 7: Sun in Leo exactly opposite Saturn retrograde in Aquarius
  • September 17: Lunar eclipse in Pisces, Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra
  • September 18 - October 12: Venus in Libra
  • September 22: Fall equinox
  • September 22 - October 9: Mercury in Virgo


Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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