by Lina Elisabeth Preston 4 min read

Astrological Highlights: August 2024

The planets in August reveal many crossroads. Mercury is retrograde this month and will transit the tumultuous gandanta zone twice. Mars and Jupiter are in a planetary war, and Saturn and Venus oppose each other. A big shift takes place after the full Moon on August 19.

Transformation or Deception

A New Moon on August 4 occurs in Ashlesha, the last Nakshatra in the sign of Cancer. 

The symbol for Ashlesha is a coiled snake, representing our potential for spiritual awakening and transformation. However, Ashlesha is also connected with deceit and poisonous venom.

Mercury is the ruler of Ashlesha. This planet of communication gives Ashlesha a sharp intellect and analytical skills. Ashlesha can uncover secrets, revealing things that have been hidden from us.

Mercury Retrograde August 4 - 29

Interestingly, Mercury goes retrograde on the day of the new Moon in Ashlesha. Something in the past needs attention. Perhaps new information will make us rethink, reassess, or rearrange something.

Because Mercury is retrograde and Ashlesha is a master of manipulation, it is good to examine sources of information and not trust everything you hear. Always double-check your calendar and travel itinerary. Be wary of scams and computer viruses. 

Mercury is retrograde in Leo on August 4 and returns to Cancer on August 21.

Mercury’s transits through the turbulent Gandanta zone between Cancer and Leo occur twice: first, between August 20 and 22, when he retrogrades from Leo to Cancer, and a second time between September 3 and 4, when he is direct and returns to Leo.

Gandanta is the turbulent zone where a water sign ends and a fire sign begins. With Mercury in Gandanta, communication is confusing, and boundaries are unclear. 

Read more about Mercury’s unique journey during 2024 here

A Planetary War

Mars and Jupiter transit close to each other this month. Their conjunction is exact on August 14 and occurs near the star Aldebaran. This bright star is the bull's eye in Taurus.

Since ancient times, Aldebaran has been viewed as a star of guidance. Its brightness is said to bring out leadership and integrity. Aldebaran challenges us to be ethical while pursuing goals and ambitions. 

Mars is a fighter, and his transit near the bright and hot Aldebaran releases anger. Jupiter represents morals, law, and ideology. The energy expresses legal battles or wars between different ideologies and religions.

Venus Under Pressure

Venus, the planet representing relationships, material comfort, and feminine energy, transits Leo between July 31 - August 24. Leo is a sign of power and drama.

Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars simultaneously aspect Venus this month.

Saturn will be in exact opposition to Venus on August 19. Jupiter in Taurus will then be in a mutual square aspect (90 degrees) with Saturn in Aquarius and Venus in Leo. This is what’s known as a T-square.


A T-square reveals polarity and conflict. It occurs when at least two of the three planets are opposites (180 degrees apart), and a third planet is 90 degrees apart from the two planets, forming an opposition. 

The polarity of this T-square is especially emphasized because the planets are placed in fixed signs, which leads to unyielding tension. However, if we can keep things integrated, it will give us a lot of strength. 

All seven planets are in fixed signs during the full moon in Aquarius on August 19. The energy of fixed signs expresses focus and commitment. Fixed signs know how to persevere and maintain. The directions and the outcome are undecided.

Sudden Changes

The Moon and the Sun are also opposite one another during a full Moon. 
The Moon at 3 degrees Aquarius and the Sun in Leo receive a close angular aspect from Uranus in Taurus, thus forming another T-square in the fixed signs.

Uranus can manifest the unexpected. With such strong polarity and tension in the fixed signs, Uranus could trigger a sudden release. This release could result in sudden changes, such as war or natural disasters.

Right after the full Moon, between August 20 and 22, a retrograde Mercury transits through the Gandanta zone from Cancer to Leo. 

Much is happening in the world, but spiritual energy is also strong. The potential for experiencing a sudden spiritual awakening is there. But we all need to rise to it.

“The most important lesson that man can learn from life, is not that there is pain in this world, but that it is possible for him to transmute it into joy.” 
–Rabindranath Tagore

Dates to Remember

  • July 31 - August 24: Venus in Leo
  • August 4: New Moon in Cancer
  • August 4 - 29: Mercury retrograde  
  • August 13 - 16: Mars and Jupiter planetary war
  • August 21: Mercury Retrograde from Leo to Cancer
  • August 16 - September 16: Sun in Leo
  • August 16 - 19: T square in Fixed signs; Saturn - Mars/Jupiter - Venus
  • August 19: Full Moon in Aquarius  3 degrees, Sun in Leo
  • August 19: Uranus square Sun and Moon
  • August 19: Saturn / Venus opposition
  • August 19: Saturn square Jupiter
  • August 19: Jupiter square Venus
  • August 21 - 22: Mercury Retrograde in Gandanta  from Leo to Cancer
  • August 22 - 23: Moon / Rahu in Pisces
  • August 24 - September 18: Venus in Virgo
  • August 26: Mars in Gemini



Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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