2024 brings some unique dynamics for Mercury. With so much global polarization and division, it is not surprising that the planet representing communication, negotiation, and discernment faces some challenges.
Mercury is known for his swift movements, but this year, he spends a disproportionately long time in Pisces - seven weeks in all - which also happens to be the sign of his debilitation.
Even more remarkable is that Mercury will spend an unusual amount of time in Gandanta during 2024. The Gandanta zone is the turbulent cusp between water and fire signs.
Besides being a good communicator, Mercury, at his best, is efficient, humorous, intelligent, quick-witted, and can easily see the different sides of things. Good with details, he discriminates, compartmentalizes, and categorizes. A strong Mercury is invaluable for business. Mercury is also a fine educator who can make sense and speak with clarity.
In today's digital and computerized world, we rely heavily on Mercury. And we expect him to go like clockwork. But three times a year, Mercury slows down and turns inward– Mercury goes retrograde.
These are the dates for when Mercury retrogrades (in Pacific time):
When Mercury is retrograde, he wants us to go over things carefully and slowly. He is now more analytical and reflective. A retrograde Mercury may bring forth unfinished projects or the need for reassessment.
Communication can be challenging. While Mercury is retrograde, misunderstandings and disagreements are more common. Planes, trains, and buses may not always operate according to schedule. Technical mishaps happen more often.
During Mercury retrograde, we should listen attentively to others and think before speaking. Always double-check information, especially around travel.
This year, Mercury transits through the Gandanta zone an incredible seven times. This is because Mercury goes over the Gandanta zone three times each time he retrogrades in a fire sign. First, he enters Gandanta when he moves into a fire sign, then once more when he retrogrades back into the water sign, and a third time when he moves forward again.
There is an incompatibility between fire and water. A person with Mercury Gandanta may have boundary issues. On a larger scale, Gandanta may literally indicate border problems. In any case, the energy is turbulent and complex. Gandanta is the karmic knot that is very difficult to unravel.
In all, during 2024, Mercury will transit the cusp between a water sign and a fire sign seven times, spending 17 days in Gandanta.
The first lunar eclipse of 2024 occurs on March 24th in Virgo, while Mercury is Gandanta in the last degree of Pisces. The lunar eclipse is followed by a total solar eclipse at the end of Pisces on April 8, casting its shadow over Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
The time between these eclipses is also challenging for Mercury, manifesting a lack of stability. Avoid starting new projects during this time. Mercury is likely erratic, being Gandanta, retrograde, and combusted by the eclipsed sun.
This is an interesting time for Mercury. Do what you can to keep your mind steady and calm. Keep a positive attitude. In order to avoid the confusion of Mercury at this time, it’s important to take some periods of rest. Go out in nature and stay away from too much tv or computers. Breathe and meditate!
* Dates are according to Pacific time
Many blessings,
Astrologically, March and April are likely the most dramatic months in 2025. The first pair of eclipses in 2025 occur in March. And on March 29, the same day as the solar eclipse, Saturn moves into a new sign, Pisces.
February 2025 begins with a rare cluster of planets in the early degrees of Pisces.