by Lina Elisabeth Preston 2 min read

Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius

June 29 - November 15, 2024

Saturn, the planet of karmic correction, is retrograde in Aquarius from June 29 to November 15.

Saturn stations at 25 degrees Aquarius from June 13 to July 15, although his retrograde officially begins on June 29. Saturn slowly returns to 18 degrees Aquarius. He will be direct again on November 15 but stays at 18 degrees Aquarius until December 9.

What are Some Effects of Saturn Retrograde?

Saturn retrograde usually gives us an experience of the pressure of Saturn. Saturn is powerful and close to Earth at this time, and his energy is focused.

Saturn often presents obstacles, responsibilities, or delays. Sometimes, we need to address matters of health. It is a time to reflect on the consequences of past actions and choices. Maybe we need to bring some wisdom of the past into present circumstances.

We may need to let go of attachments. Saturn often gives us work; we may need to redo, reorganize, or restructure something. Saturn will allow us time to do this because he will slowly go over a retrograde area three times before moving on.

Who is Impacted by Saturn Retrograde?

Everyone will feel the effects of this Saturn retrograde to some extent. But if you have planets in Aquarius or are in a Saturn planetary period, you will feel the effects of this transit more intensely. And if your personal planets are within 18-25 degrees in Aquarius (especially your Moon, Sun, or rising sign), the effects of Saturn going over your personal planets are especially strong.

How will Saturn Retrograde Impact the US Election?

The US presidential election takes place on November 5th, during a time when Saturn is retrograde and stationed at 18 degrees Aquarius.

The planet Uranus is at 18 degrees Taurus in the United States chart. An exact square between transiting Saturn and a natal Uranus reveals a tension between permanence and change. Mars in Cancer will be closely opposed by Pluto in Capricorn, which can result in conflicting and ruthless energy. This presidential election occurs during an astrologically tense time, and the difficult aspect of a debilitated Mars opposite Pluto continues until June 2025.

The Nakshatras

Saturn will begin the retrograde in the Moon’s nakshatra, Purva Bhadrapada. The symbol for this nakshatra is a sword, which reflects a fight.

Saturn retrogrades into Shatabhisha nakshatra on October 3. This nakshatra means a hundred healers and expresses the need for healing.

A Need for Harmony

Saturn represents karma, and Saturn’s retrograde in Aquarius shows us the need to harmonize with universal law.

“Be even-minded. Walk with courage. Go forward from day to day with calm, inner faith. Eventually, you will pass beyond every shadow of bad karma, beyond all tests and difficulties, and will behold at last the dawn of divine fulfillment.”
-Paramhansa Yogananda

Important Dates for Saturn in Aquarius

  • June 29 - October 3, 2024: Saturn is retrograde in Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra
  • October 3 - November 15, 2024: Saturn is retrograde in Shatabhisha nakshatra
  • November 15 - December 27, 2024: Saturn moves direct in Shatabhisha nakshatra
  • December 27, 2024 - April 28, 2025: Saturn transits Purva Bhadrapade nakshatra March 29, 2026: Saturn enters Pisces



Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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