by Lina Elisabeth Preston 3 min read

The last eclipse of 2024 will occur on October 2nd. Jupiter is retrograde for a few months, and Mars will be debilitated in Cancer.

The Hand of Fate 

The Ring of Fire solar eclipse on October 2nd occurs in Virgo, in Hasta nakshatra. It is visible in Chile and Argentina and partially visible in parts of South America, Antarctica, North America, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean, including Hawaii.

From a global perspective, this eclipse, visible around oceans, may turn our attention towards global warming, water, and water supply. Is there too much water or too little? Too much rain, storms, tidal waves, or drought cause serious problems, severely limiting the food supply. A balance needs to be restored.

Virgo is a mental sign that governs discrimination, service, and health. Hasta is ruled by the Moon and is also connected to Lord Savitar, the Sun God– very fitting for a solar eclipse, which is a Sun / Moon conjunction.

The Hasta nakshatra is symbolized by a hand and five fingers. Its power is to manifest what we seek and place it in our hands. We can read destiny in the palm of our hand. Hasta can help us see what we need to do. Hasta is nurturing. 

Sometimes, we need to let go of excess baggage. This is a good time to lighten our burden. Ketu in Hasta allows us to let go of what we no longer need.

This is a good time to do house clearing. Clearing out destructive thoughts and ideas is also important for arriving at a state of purity and good health. Virgo is analytical, and we need to let go of wrong attitudes. Mercury is also present in Virgo, aiding this process.

An eclipse is not a good time to make important decisions. It is, however, a good time to pray, chant, and meditate. Chanting the Gayatri Mantra is helpful during this eclipse. This mantra has power over darkness. It invokes Lord Savitur, the Divine Sun, and the ultimate light of wisdom.

The Wisdom of Experience

Jupiter stations at 27 degrees Taurus and goes retrograde on October 9th. He will stay retrograde until February 5th, 2025, and will be in Taurus the entire time.

A retrograde Jupiter can make us review and re-examine past choices.

Jupiter in Taurus governs assets and finances, and this may be a good time to review your finances. 

Jupiter retrograde may lead us to ask ourselves: What is truly meaningful to me? And where lies my sense of expansion?

A Troublesome Mars

Mars leaves Gemini on October 20 and becomes debilitated in Cancer. 
Mars in Cancer is passionate about home and family. For countries, there can be a focus on defense and homeland security. 

Passion can turn into nationalism. In Cancer, Mars opposes Pluto, which indicates intense transformation and warfare in parts of the world.

Mars turns retrograde at 11 degrees Cancer on December 8 and will slowly return to Gemini. 

When you know God as peace within, then you will realize Him as peace existing in the universal harmony of all things without. Change yourself and you have done your part in changing the world. Every individual must change his own life if he wants to live in a peaceful world.

–Paramhansa Yogananda

Much is happening so close to the election on November 5th. Next week, we will take a look at the astrology around the election.

Dates to Remember

  • October 2                       Solar Eclipse in Virgo
  • Oct 9  -  Feb 4, 2025      Jupiter retrograde in Taurus
  • October 10 - 29              Mercury in Libra
  • Oct 17- Nov 15               Sun in Libra
  • Oct 17                            Full Moon in Aries Gandanta
  • Oct 20 - Jan 21, 2025    Mars in Cancer

Peace and Harmony,

Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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