by Lina Elisabeth Preston 4 min read

Aries is at the center of activity during April 2023, with the first solar eclipse of the year on April 19th. Jupiter is combust the Sun the entire month, moving into Aries on April 21st. Mercury goes retrograde the same day, also in Aries.

A very close aspect from Saturn to Rahu and Ketu to Saturn during the April eclipse makes this a time of profound karma.

Aries and the Ram

Ariesplays a central role in astrological events this month, so let’s take a closer look at the qualities of this sign.

Aries represents the fire element; its essence is joyful, forceful, and dynamic. The spirit of Aries is ever new. Its ruler, Mars, is assertive and physical.

The Ram, a symbol for Aries, will butt heads with other Rams. Sometimes he may need to conquer a rival, or he may defend what he knows is his territorial rights.

Aries is quick and initiating. This sign has stamina and courage, although not necessarily long-term perseverance.

Sun in Aries

The Vedic Suntransits Aries from April 14th to May 15th.

The light and the heat of the Sun are essential when manifesting the creative forces of the Earth. The Sun is usually powerful in Aries, expressing independence, vitality, authority, and leadership.

A Solar Eclipse on April 19th

The Sun enters Aries on April 14th, and an eclipse will diminish its light on April 19th. A lunar eclipse in Libra on May 5th follows this year’s first solar eclipse.

Eclipses often manifest a significant event that can bring change and transformation on a bigger scale. This change doesn’t have to happen immediately, but the energy of an eclipse lingers for at least a year.

It is interesting that the Sun is quite near its strongest point in the zodiac (10° Aries) when it gets eclipsed at 5° 39 Aries in Ashwini nakshatra.

Ketu rules Ashwini nakshatra, which represents the dawn. While honoring the past, Ashwini is also a bringer of new light and has healing energy. Its symbol is a horse’s head, and this nakshatra has the power to reach things quickly. The shadow side of Ashwini is impulsiveness, aggression, and arrogance.

Saturn, the planet of karma, aspects the eclipse to a degree.

Who is Responsible for Eclipses?

The Lunar Nodes, Rahu and Ketu, are responsible for eclipses. Rahuhas been transiting Aries since April 2022. The fire in Aries makes Rahu (air and wind) impulsive and hard to control. We are experiencing many storms, both in terms of weather and politics.

The Lunar Nodes are very influential at this time. Many planets are transiting nakshatras ruled by them. Saturn, Mars, Ketu are in nakshatras ruled by Rahu, while Rahu is in a nakshatra ruled by Ketu.

With so much energy connected to Rahu and Ketu (Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu are all in nakshatras ruled by them), this is a time of instability and change. Rahu and Ketu form the karmic axis and connect to significant worldwide events.

A Tumultuous Mars

Another planet of interest this month is Mars. After all, the eclipse is taking place in Aries, a sign ruled by Mars.

Back on January 6th, 2021, Mars was transiting near the degree of the current eclipse. There may be a connection now to this critical past karmic event.

At this time, Mars is in Gemini, exchanging signs with Mercury. When Mars and Mercury exchange signs, it can manifest a blend of technical (Mars) and communication (Mercury), such as computers and internet. Mercury will retrograde for just over three weeks, beginning two days after the eclipse.

Mars transits the Ardra nakshatra, also ruled by Rahu. Ardra is said to be a nakshatra of thunder and storms. When combined with the exchange between Mars and Mercury could lead to disruptions around the internet.

Jupiter Combust Sun

Jupiter, the planet of knowledge, wisdom, law, wealth, and prosperity, is combust the Sun from April 1st to May 3rd. The Sun is so bright and hot that Jupiter is considered combust when he is closer than 11 degrees to the Sun. This means that the Sun’s power greatly influences Jupiter, and Jupiter has difficulty acting independently.

Jupiter is entirely combust on April 11th when they are on the same degree.

Jupiter in Gandanta April 18th - April 25th

Just before the solar eclipse on April 19th, Jupiter prepares to move into Aries. Jupiter is in Gandanta between April 18th and April 25th. Gandanta is the tumultuous passage between a water sign and a fire sign. Since Pisces is the last sign and Aries is the first, this is a significant time of transformation. Gandanta translates as the karmic knot that is difficult to unravel.

Jupiter in Aries

When Jupiter enters Aries on April 21st, the energy from the eclipse is still intense. Jupiter is combust the Sun and therefore very much involved in the energy of the eclipse.

Jupiter stays in Aries for about a year. He will be with Rahu in Aries until November 2023, when Rahu moves to Pisces.

Jupiter and Rahu in Aries, Ashwini nakshatra, indicate an expansion in technical and scientific knowledge, especially in medicine—continued research in fields such as alternative energy, space, cosmos, and air travel.

April is a tumultuous month. It is good to remember that when the energy flows downward, it becomes more scattered and negative.

Bringing the energy upward will not only lift one’s spirit but can also help to focus the scattered energy of this month. It is helpful to do various breathing exercises of yoga, meditation, selfless service, and self-offering. It calms the mind and uplifts the energy.

“Remember, every moment in life is an opportunity for re-dedication to the highest quest, the spiritual.” –Swami Kriyananda

April 2023 Astrological Dates to Remember

  • March 31st - June 7th: Mercury in Aries
  • April 5th - May 2nd: Venus in Taurus
  • April 14th - May 15th: Sun in Aries
  • April 18 - 25: Jupiter in Gandanta
  • April 19th: Solar eclipse Aries, Ashwini nakshatra 5°39’
  • April 21st - May 14th: Mercury Retrograde
  • April 21st 2023 - May 1st, 2024: Jupiter in Aries

*All dates are using the Vedic astrology calendar


Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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