by Lina Elisabeth Preston 3 min read

We are currently in a time between two eclipses.

A lunar eclipse on May 5th at 20 degrees Libra follows the April 19th solar eclipse in Aries.

The time between eclipses often shows unstable energy. Eclipses tend to bring changes. A solar eclipse can trigger energies that remain with us for a long time. However, the effects of a lunar eclipse are more immediate. 

What Did the Recent Solar Eclipse Reveal? 

We are still feeling the effects of the solar eclipse on April 19th. The recent solar eclipse involved Jupiter (law, truth) and Mercury (communication). 

The day after the eclipse, Mercury went retrograde. Saturn, a planet governing accountability, has been closely aspecting the eclipse in Aries from his position in Aquarius. One manifestation of this eclipse is communications coming under examination.

Mercury in Aries exchanges signs with Mars transiting Gemini. This exchange further emphasizes communication since Gemini can also express the internet and communication.

Big Shake-Up in the Media World

One example of the eclipse's energy is that, shortly after the eclipse, Fox News made a record settlement in a Defamation lawsuit. More lawsuits are on the horizon for this big media company.

Tucker Carlson, a political talk show host at Fox News and one of the most popular talk show hosts in the United States, lost his work from one day to the next. The eclipse occurred very close to Tucker Carlson's debilitated Saturn in Aries. His Saturn is in his 10th house. The 10th house represents work and acknowledgment. A debilitated Saturn in the 10th house can potentially indicate a fall in status and reputation.

Leaked Secret Pentagon Documents

Another example of this energy is that, shortly before the eclipse, highly secret military documents appeared in the media. A leak was discovered. Public disclosure of confidential military records can potentially have severe consequences, causing harm to the reputation and the safety of the United States.

Lunar Eclipse on May 5th

The lunar eclipse on May 5th has a similar planetary configuration as the recent solar eclipse: Jupiter and a retrograde Mercury are with Sun and Rahu in Aries.
However, the eclipsed Moon will now be in Libra. The symbol of Libra is a pair of scales representing law, balance, and justice. The lunar eclipse will continue to reveal more things.

The lunar eclipse takes place in the Vishaka nakshatra. Vishaka is sometimes called "the forked" or "two branched". Branches show variety and division. We may need to make a choice about which direction we are going.

Venus in Gemini

Venus, which rules Libra, will enter Gemini on May 2nd. Both Gemini and Libra are air signs. Air signs are communicators and intellectuals and are often full of creative ideas. 

Mercury turns direct in Aries on May 14th, which will help us to move forward with more clarity.

Guru Chandal Yoga

The last few days of May (26-31) will demonstrate a strong Guru Chandal Yoga. The Guru Chandal Yoga occurs when Jupiter and Rahu combine. Jupiter and Rahu are in a close conjunction near the degree where the eclipse occurred. They both conjunct at 8 degrees Aries for several days. This period may be tumultuous, especially since the conjunction occurs close to the degree where the solar eclipse took place on April 20th. The degrees around an eclipse are still charged for some time.

Jupiter wants to bring us the truth. His involvement in the eclipses of April and May reveals past manipulation and the need to bring truth to light.

What is Truth?

Truth is all-embracing.

Truth knows no barriers; it is, therefore, always kind.

Truth fosters harmony, never disharmony; unity, never disunity; universal respect, never judgement or intolerance.

Truth is ever beneficial; its rays heal, though they cauterize our imperfections.

Be wary of statements made in the name of truth, if they lack charity.

View sceptically such statements if they are self-serving.

Should anyone, moreover, claim unique possession of a truth, turn apart, and gaze up into the vast heavens:

For truth is expansive; its native land is Infinity.

Truth inspires joy in our souls even if we, in our human littleness, fear its liberating rays.

–Swami Kriyananda

May 2023 Astrological Dates to Remember

  • March 31 - June 7th   Mercury in Aries
  • May 2 - May 30           Venus in Gemini
  • May 5     Lunar eclipse in Libra 20 degrees
  • May 10th - June 30      Mars in Cancer
  • May 14th                      Mercury ends his retrograde in Aries
  • May 15 - June 15         Sun in Taurus
  • May 26 - May 31         Jupiter and Rahu conjunction, both at 8 degrees Aries


Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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