by Lina Elisabeth Preston 3 min read

The fire signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, are doing very well this January. There is a good connection between their rulers, Mars, Jupiter, and the Sun.

The Fire Element is Strong

Fire signs make things happen. They express willpower, expansion, and dynamic energy. Fire signs also express dharma, motivation, and transformation.

Between November 15 and December 27, 2023, Mars and Saturn were aspecting each other, bringing out the negative side of these planets. Mars is hot and fiery, but Saturn is cool and dry and tends to delay, block, and slow down. This thwarted energy can lead to frustration, anger, and destruction. Mars was also transiting very close to the Sun part of the time. The combined energy of Mars in Scorpio (close to the Sun) and Saturn in Aquarius was rigid and intense.

However, Saturn no longer strongly influences Mars. After Mars joined the Sun in Sagittarius on December 27, Jupiter now guides the action-oriented Mars. The Sun, Jupiter, and Mars are planetary friends.

Opportunities for Expansion

After moving retrograde for four months, Jupiter has been direct again since December 30. Jupiter has positive energy and can express his expansive, outgoing energy more easily when direct. His strong connection with Mars makes Jupiter take an active role now.

While changing gears from reverse to forward, Jupiter stays near 11 degrees Aries throughout the month. You have the good fortune to receive much of Jupiter’s beneficial energy if you have planets near these degrees in Aries or any of the other fire signs.

More Ease Around Communication

Mercury is direct again after having been retrograde for three weeks. Since January 1st, the direct motion has helped to manifest more ease with communication and less chance for misunderstandings.

On January 7th, Mercury will re-enter Sagittarius, joining the other planets transiting this sign.

Guided Action

Jupiter is in Aries, a sign ruled by Mars, and Mars is in Sagittarius, a sign ruled by Jupiter.

The two planets have a strong connection by being in each other’s signs. Jupiter also favorably aspects Sagittarius and Leo, the other fire signs.

A Battle for Dharma

Action is Greater than inaction.
Perform therefore Thy task in life.
Even the life of the body could not be there
If there were no action.
–The Bhagavad Gita

Mars is a warrior and is now motivated by Sagittarius's passion for truth and dharma.

A warrior needs guidance. Jupiter is a teacher and guide for Mars at this time.

Mars is transiting near the galactic center situated in Mula Nakshatra in Sagittarius. Mula Nakshatra contains many secrets of creation and destruction, karma, and transcendence. Both Mars and Jupiter are in Nakshatras ruled by Ketu. Ketu represents past karma, transcendence, and liberation.

Although challenges will continue, this is a good time to make positive changes.


Red coral is the primary gemstone for Mars in Vedic astrology.
What are some examples of how to apply this energy? Jupiter represents knowledge and expertise. This might be a good time to contact professionals regarding health, finances, etc. You may want to learn something new. This can also be a good time for starting a business or expanding an existing one.
Mars in Sagittarius also supports exercise, yoga, massage, and movement. Sagittarius loves adventure, discovery, and travel, and this can be a good time for travel.


If Mars is a good planet for you, consider wearing red coral, the primary gemstone for Mars. Gemstones for Mars increase fire and enhance stamina, vitality, motivation, and courage. Check with a Vedic astrologer first to ensure this is the right gemstone for you.

Explore gemstones and jewelry for Mars here.

Astrological Dates to Remember

  • December 28, 2023 to February 5, 2024: Mars is in Sagittarius
  • December 30, 2023: Jupiter is direct
  • January 1, 2024: Mercury is direct
  • January 7 to February 1: Mercury is in Sagittarius
  • January 11: New Moon in Sagittarius
  • January 15 to February 13: Sun in Capricorn
  • January 19 to February 11: Venus in Sagittarius
  • January 25: Full Moon in Cancer


Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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