by Lina Elisabeth Preston 4 min read

June is intense with a couple of eclipses and many retrograde planets. Eclipses can bring us change and retrograde planets cause us to reflect on the past. We are also experiencing an aspect from Mars on the Sun, which can manifest as anger with authority figures.

The Karmic Axis

The two lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, continue to be in focus this month and we all remain under their strong influence. Rahu and Ketu express collective consciousness and mass karma.

Mercury has joined Rahu in Gemini and lots of ideas are surfacing in this quick and diverse sign. This can lead to innovative thinking. 

Mercury goes retrograde between June 17th and July 12th, adding to the many retrograde planets: Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and Pluto. Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde. 

Having so many retrograde planets at once often means that we need to reevaluate past decisions. We may need to be flexible and change our plans as we move along. Venus retrograde ends on June 24th.

Mrigashira: Looking for Answers

Rahu transits in Mrigashira nakshatra from May 20th, 2020 to Jan 26th, 2021 (Mean node system). Mrigashira’s ruler, Mars is a planet of action. 

Mrigashira is symbolically expressed by the head of a deer. The head represents the mind and the mental energy of the nakshatra.

A deer has big and beautiful eyes and is a very gentle animal. Always in search of food, she is also swift, cautious, on the alert for danger and predators, and constantly creating new paths. Sometimes running in fear, and sometimes running for joy, she gracefully expresses movement. 

Just like a deer searches for nutrition, Mrigashira expresses a search for truth and intelligent answers.

Mrigashira extends from Taurus to Gemini. Since Rahu always moves retrograde, this transit begins in Mrigashira in Gemini. Rahu in Gemini Mrigashira is intent on manifesting innovative, creative and intelligent ideas.  

After September 22nd Rahu will transit in Mrigashira in Taurus. Rahu in Taurus Mrigashira is intent on manifesting material abundance.

A negative manifestation of Rahu in Mrigasira is a nervous mind. The many retrograde planets suggest that we need to pay attention to the past. There is a need to be truthful when we examine our past experiences.


Rahu and Ketu have the ability to block the light from the sun and the moon, which makes these shadow planets very powerful.

Two eclipses take place this month with one more in early July.

Lunar Eclipse on June 5th

On June 5th the lunar eclipse takes place in Scorpio in Jyeshta nakshatra. Jyeshta is powerful, but also harbors issues around superiority, resentment and anger. This eclipse is bringing out strong feelings.

The energy of this eclipse is erratic. Secrets and scandals can be brought to light. Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, is aspecting the Sun very closely. The social unrest and riots that we are experiencing in the United States prior to the eclipse has the potential to accelerate and spread around the globe. The eclipse on June 5th and 6th  (depending on where you are) can be seen in much of Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and Antarctica.  

Solar Eclipse on the Summer Solstice

The energy between two eclipses can feel uneasy. 

The light is celebrated at the time of the summer solstice on June 21st. This is the longest day in the northern hemisphere.

It is on the summer solstice that the Sun will be darkened by a Solar eclipse. The eclipse can be seen in parts of Africa, parts of the middle East,  south of Pakistan, Northern India and China.

This eclipse takes place in Gemini, in Mrigashira nakshatra. Please note that it is rare that a major event takes place at the time of the eclipse, but the area where the eclipse occurs, 6 degrees Gemini, is activated for several months. 

Lunar Eclipse on the 4th of July

A second lunar eclipse takes place on the 4th of July. (PDT) There was a solar eclipse on the same day a year ago. However, the lunar eclipse takes place in Sagittarius, which is the first house in the chart of the United States. The ruler, a retrograde Jupiter, will have just returned to Sagittarius and is in close conjunction with Pluto, a planet known for his deep and hidden powers of change and transformation.

During days of eclipses it is a good idea to have some quiet, inward time. It is not a favorable time to make important decisions or start new projects. But it is an excellent time to decrease tamas: activities such as cleaning your house and your yard, fasting, meditating, praying and doing mantras are very beneficial.

Dates to Remember:

  • May 20th -  Feb 12, 2021    Rahu in Mrigasira nakshatra
  • May 24th - August 1st        Mercury in Gemini
  • June 17th - July 12th          Mercury retrograde in Gemini
  • June 3rd                               Sun/Venus close conjunction in Taurus
  • June 5th                               Lunar eclipse in Scorpio Jyeshta nakshatra
  • June 14th - July 15th          Sun in Gemini
  • June 19th                             Sun conjunct Rahu
  • June 20th                             Summer solstice
  • June 21th                             Solar eclipse in Gemini, Mrigashira
  • June 24th                             Venus retrograde ends
  • June 28th                             Pluto R back in Sagittarius
  • June 29th                            Jupiter R back in Sagittarius
  • June 28th - July 8th            Jupiter R / Pluto R close conjunction in Sagittarius


Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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