by Lina Elisabeth Preston 5 min read

This May, Taurus has a big influence while four planets transit through the sign. Taurus and Scorpio are also the signs where all eclipses take place during 2021. The first eclipse of the year is a lunar eclipse which occurs on May 26th in Scorpio. Two weeks later, on June 10th, there will be a solar eclipse in Taurus.

Saturn has slowed down in his tracks, to the point of hardly moving at all, before going retrograde later this month. Mercury will also go retrograde on May 29th.

Why is Taurus Important Right Now?

Many important planets are transiting Taurus this month. 

Every sign has their own meaning and energy. Even though a planet has its own expression and meaning, it behaves differently in each sign and will channel the energy of a sign while it transits. A planet channeling Aries, for instance, has a different behavior than when in Taurus. Let’s take a closer look at Taurus now in order to understand the underlying energy of the planets that are transiting here this month.

Taurus is an earth sign and the Sun is in Taurus during the time of year when the earth is full of new growth. Taurus is the second sign which, similar to the second house, represents finances and material abundance. 


This is a fixed sign which gives Taurus a persistent, determined and stable quality. A Taurean values security.

The best planet for Taurus is actually Saturn. Taurus appreciates this disciplined, persistent and hardworking planet. Saturn is a Taurean’s best friend.

The symbol for Taurus is a bull. This represents the capacity to persist with steadfastness and determination.

Transits through Taurus

Mercury has a long stay in Taurus. He transits Taurus from May 1st until July 6th, with the exception of a few days in late May when he visits Gemini. Mercury is retrograde between May 29th and June 22nd.

Mercury does well in Taurus. He helps us to understand facts and make good evaluations. Mercury is therefore good in business and trade.

Venus is in Taurus between May 4th and May 28th. Venus is the ruler of Taurus and knows how to appreciate beautiful flowers and good food. This artistic planet sees divine beauty not only in flowers but in many things. Venus also appreciates the abundance of Taurus.

Taurus is also a sign involved in finances and material prosperity. The transit of both Venus and Mercury in Taurus is positive. Venus in Taurus wants to enjoy life and is capable of sustaining wealth.

The Sun is in Taurus between May 14 and June 14th. In this sign, the Sun wants to see things through and can be quite stubborn. He wants the good things to manifest and to last.

Taurus wants stability and security, but while Rahu transits the sign and eclipses take place, there is no such guarantee. Rahu’s unstable energy can continue to have an influence on Taurus during his stay through March 2022. The steady energy of Taurus makes him conservative and resistant to Rahu’s tendency to bring change. However, Rahu can also manifest growth which makes him strong in Taurus.

Eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio

Rahu’s transit in Taurus this year means that Ketu is in Scorpio, and all eclipses will take place in these two signs. The first lunar eclipse of the year is a total lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 26th. It is followed by a solar eclipse in Taurus on June 10th.

The Lunar eclipse is visible in many of the oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean and Antarctica. It is also visible in South/East Asia, Australia, much of North and South America. The effect of an eclipse is strongest in the parts of the world where it can be seen.

The Solar eclipse on June 10th is visible in the Atlantic, the Arctic, much of Europe, Asia, and North America.

Taurus is an earth sign and Scorpio is a water sign. The eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio may be telling us that we need to do more for our planet. Changes are happening rapidly and Mother Earth is reminding us that it is becoming increasingly urgent to address climate change and pollution.

We may see solutions around climate change coming from Rahu’s transit in Taurus. Rahu can be technical and innovative, and this transit is favorable for innovation regarding renewable energy and sustainability. 

Saturn Goes Retrograde

Saturn goes retrograde just over every 12 months, and his retrograde lasts about 4 ½ months. 

Saturn hardly moves and remains at 19 degrees Capricorn throughout May. He will turn retrograde on May 23rd and by the end of his retrograde on October 10th, he has moved just over six degrees. This is a time when Saturn makes us reexamine and face the consequences of our past actions.

Mars is in Gemini, casting his difficult 8th house aspect on Saturn. Mars wants action and Saturn is slow and cautious. This can manifest anger, impatience and accidents. 

Saturn’s transit takes place in Shravana nakshatra, ruled by the Moon. Shravana is symbolically portrayed as an ear. Shravana wants periods of silence in order to listen to the wisdom and guidance within.

Chart for India

After the recent serious challenges India has faced with Covid-19, I looked up a chart for India to try to understand the current astrological influences they’re experiencing.

The time used for this birth chart is the official time and date of India’s independence: August 15th, 1947 at 12 am, New Delhi.


Chart for India


Right now, India has a great deal of Saturnian energy. This is because in India’s birth chart, the Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Venus and the Sun are all in the sign of Cancer. During Saturn's current transit in Capricorn he aspects all the planets in Cancer. He also aspects their Jupiter in Libra. This means Saturn is aspecting six planets in India’s chart. With so much Saturnian energy it is good to honor the restrictive quality of Saturn.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Saturn aspects all the planets in Cancer. According to the Vimshottari dasha system, India is currently in a Moon - Saturn period. This makes India especially affected by eclipses, particularly the lunar eclipse.

In addition, the chart gives us Taurus as the rising sign and has Rahu placed in the 1st house. Ketu is placed in Scorpio, in the 7th house. With the eclipses this year all happening in Taurus and Scorpio, India is more sensitive to the energy of the eclipses.

The energy is unstable around the time of an eclipse. Healing prayers and mantras are especially helpful during these times. Click this link to join in daily worldwide prayers for India and all those in need of healing.

Dates to Remember

  • Mercury transits Taurus May 1 - May 25
  • Venus transits Taurus May 4 - May 28
  • Sun transits Taurus May 14 - June 14
  • Rahu continues to transit in Taurus until March 16, 2022
  • Mercury/Rahu conjunction May 11
  • New Moon in Aries May 11
  • Venus/Rahu conjunction May 11
  • Saturn retrograde in Capricorn May 23 - October 10
  • Total Lunar eclipse in Scorpio/Anuradha May 26
  • Venus transits Gemini May 28 - June 22
  • Mercury transits Gemini May 25 - June 3rd
  • Mercury retrograde May 29 - June 22 (In Taurus June 3rd)
  • Mars leaves Gemini June 1st
  • Mars transits Cancer June 1st - July 20th



How are astrological transits influencing you now? Schedule a vedic astrology consultation with Lina Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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