The first part of September continues to express the hot energy of planets in Leo. Rahu moves into a different nakshatra and Saturn turns direct.
The later part of the month is influenced by the sign of Virgo as many planets move into this sign.
The fiery planets Sun and Mars are very close to one another during the first week of this month. Mercury and Venus are also dominated by their energy.
As a result of this planetary combustion in Leo there are many fires occurring in different places around the globe. We are seeing record breaking fires ripping through the Amazon.
Mercury and Venus are both feeling the heat. Mercury governs business and trade and Venus wants unity and connection. Their planetary afflictions are manifesting trade wars and political tumult such as Brexit. Leo is a sign of politics and leadership.
We need to move past the first week of September before things begin to cool down. On September 10th, both Venus and Mercury have moved into Virgo. Venus is debilitated but with its best friend Mercury, and Mercury’s exaltation in Virgo will ease communication. Mercury remains in Virgo until the end of September. This will greatly improve things for the Mercury ruled signs Virgo and Gemini.
On September 11th, Rahu moves into a different nakshatra: Ardra nakshatra, located in the middle of Gemini. Rahu rules Ardra, and Rahu will transit this nakshatra between September 11th and May 19th, 2020 (mean node).
In Vedic mythology the deity of Ardra is called Rudra. Rudra is known as the Howler, or the god of storms, and is a form of Lord Shiva. This nakshatra has destructive power. It is a fierce nakshatra but will also make the intellect sharp and creative.
We need to remember that Shiva’s destructive power is used in order to destroy that which is not truly helpful to our spiritual growth. We may want to apply this energy to get rid of things we do not want in our lives: bad habits, wrong attachments and wrong attitudes.
Ardra, like no other nakshatra, can get us out of our comfort zone. Ardra means wet and moist. Its symbol is a teardrop. Perhaps its symbol expresses the suffering, sorrow and pain often needed before we truly make the effort to change.
The special power of Ardra is its power to make an effort. Ardra can also help us to manifest that which we want to achieve when combined with right effort. Ardra is a nakshatra of transformation.
Saturn has been retrograde for almost five months but resumes his direct motion on September 18th, six days after Rahu has moved into Ardra. Saturn has been transiting very close to Ketu and opposite Rahu. Saturn and Ketu will slowly begin to separate from one another but they remain tight throughout the month.
Saturn is not only in a very close conjunction with Ketu but is also close to Pluto. In greek mythology Pluto rules the underworld and has a deep and secret power.
Three malefics in Sagittarius are bringing changes to fundamental values. Saturn governs democracy, basic structures and the public. Ketu can also manifest change.
Many of the planets will slowly shift their positions this month from Leo into Virgo:
Venus moves into Virgo on September 9th, Mercury on the 10th, the Sun on the 17th, and Mars on the 24th. The new Moon also takes place in Virgo on the 28th.
Leo expresses power, drama and politics. Virgo is analytical, practical and critical. Virgo also governs health, healing and service.
The combination of Rahu in Ardra and the planets in Virgo can make this an excellent time for healing and service. We can make the right effort to heal ourselves, our environment, and our planet.
Many blessings,
Astrologically, March and April are likely the most dramatic months in 2025. The first pair of eclipses in 2025 occur in March. And on March 29, the same day as the solar eclipse, Saturn moves into a new sign, Pisces.
February 2025 begins with a rare cluster of planets in the early degrees of Pisces.