Saturn and Ketu have been traveling very close to one another for many months in Sagittarius, a sign concerned with ethics, values and law. Saturn has been retrograde since April, and Ketu always travels retrograde.
When Saturn changed from retrograde to direct in September, he stationed at 19 degrees in Sagittarius for the entire month. Saturn and Ketu are now slowly separating as they both travel in opposite directions. Currently they are one degree apart.
If your Moon, Sun or Ascendant is in Purva Ashadha nakshatra (13’20” - 26’40” in Sagittarius), your experience of this transit is likely to be intense.
Mars, a planet of energy and action, entered the practical and sometimes critical, earth sign Virgo on September 24th. Mars will remain in Virgo this entire month, until November 10th.
Saturn and Mars, through their aspects, are now mutually influencing each other. Their energies differ. Mars wants something right away and Saturn will resist impulsive action. This combination will often result in frustration, anger and conflict. Their mutual influence is very strong towards the end of the month when both planets are on the same degree in their respective signs (Saturn is 21 degrees Sagittarius, Mars is 21 degrees Virgo on October 28th).
We are seeing this call for action in the mass protests demanding action regarding climate change, a movement quickly growing in size. In the United States, the demand for impeachment of President Trump is on the rise. Britain is undecided and frustrated regarding Brexit. Mass demonstrations are taking place in Hong Kong. The list of situations calling for a change is long and patience is at a low point.
October also brings us a pleasant transit. Venus moves into its own sign Libra on October 3rd and joins his best friend Mercury, already transiting Libra.
Venus and Mercury are happy together and bring out the best in Libra: balance, creativity, charm and diplomacy. Everyone will enjoy this transit but people with their Ascendant in Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Cancer and Virgo will especially benefit from it.
The last days of October are eventful astrologically. Mercury joins Jupiter in Scorpio on October 23rd, followed by Venus on October 27th.
When Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are together in the same sign it is called Saraswati yoga. We usually learn many new things during this yoga. Scorpio will enjoy this transit but Saraswati yoga will only last for a few days.
Jupiter is in the gandanta zone between October 31st and November 8th.
Next month, Jupiter will join Saturn and Ketu in Sagittarius and will bring strength to this sign.
Astrologically, March and April are likely the most dramatic months in 2025. The first pair of eclipses in 2025 occur in March. And on March 29, the same day as the solar eclipse, Saturn moves into a new sign, Pisces.
February 2025 begins with a rare cluster of planets in the early degrees of Pisces.