Mars continues his journey through Sagittarius throughout April where two powerful malefic planets (Saturn and Pluto) are already making their slow transit through this sign. Mercury is retrograde and debilitated in Pisces and Saturn turns retrograde on April 17th.
Saturn can block and obstruct the energy of an assertive Mars. We have recently seen hundreds of thousands of people attending youth-led, anti-gun rallies, calling on lawmakers to tighten gun control in order to stop mass shootings and gun violence. This is a beautiful example of how Saturn (the masses) opposes Mars (violence) in Sagittarius. The two conflicting forces in Sagittarius bring out a sense of righteousness, indignation and anger.
The illustration above is an example of peaceful demonstrations against violence. However, a sense of self righteousness, indignation and anger can also be used to justify violence and war. This is a time when the many tense and violent situations in the world today could erupt further and need to be dealt with special care and skill.
During the early days of April, the conjunction between Mars and Saturn is very close. On April 1st and 2nd the conjunction is exact.
Pluto is also with Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius. Pluto’s energy centers around power and control. The conjunction between Mars and Pluto is exact on April 27th in the Uttara Ashadha nakshatra and can manifest as a strong desire to win at all costs. The combination of Mars (violence), Pluto (deep power) and Saturn (destruction) could potentially manifest earthquakes.
This combination of planets can also express manipulation of power. We saw a similar energy expressed when Saturn was transiting Scorpio before the US presidential election.
The current transits could be bad news for Donald Trump. In his chart the malefic planets are in the eighth house (destruction) from his tenth house (career). These planets are in the fifth house (mind) from his Leo rising sign, which could lead to him to consider war.
The current malefic forces of Saturn, Mars and Pluto can stir people towards violence or bring courage needed to speak out for positive change. Pope Francis gave a speech on Palm Sunday that was a beautiful call to action to the youth of the world.
"Dear young people, the joy that Jesus awakens in you is a source of anger and even irritation to some, since a joyful young person is hard to manipulate," Pope Francis said. "The temptation to silence young people has always existed."
"There are many ways to sedate them, to keep them from getting involved, to make their dreams flat and dreary, petty and plaintive," the Pope said. "Dear young people, you have it in you to shout."
He quoted a Bible passage where Jesus responds to demands that he silence his disciples decrying injustice: “If these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”
"It is up to you not to keep quiet," the pope said in his sermon. "Even if others keep quiet, if we older people and leaders — so often corrupt — keep quiet, if the whole world keeps quiet and loses its joy, I ask you: Will you cry out?
"Please, make that choice before the stones themselves cry out."
April 1 | Mars/Saturn conjunction 14 degrees Sagittarius |
April 1 | Sun/ Mercury Retrograde conjunction at 17 degrees Pisces |
April 13 | Sun in Aries |
April 15 | Mercury Direct in Pisces at 10 degrees |
April 15 | New Moon in Aries |
April 17 | Saturn goes Retrograde at 15 degrees Sagittarius |
April 20 | Venus in Taurus |
April 27 | Mars/Pluto conjunction at 27 degrees Sagittarius |
April 29 | Full Moon in Libra |
February 2025 begins with a rare cluster of planets in the early degrees of Pisces.