by Lina Elisabeth Preston 3 min read

On May 2nd the planet Mars went into the sign of Capricorn.

Many people will be relieved now that Mars has left the sign of Sagittarius and his conjunction with Saturn. Due to the inimical relationship between Mars and Saturn we have seen and experienced more conflicts, accidents and frustrations than normal.

A Focused Mars

Mars is exalted in Capricorn. When we consider that Mars and Saturn are enemies, it seems strange that this planet does so well in a sig that is ruled by Saturn. However, when Mars is in Capricorn he will benefit from the disciplinary restrictions imposed by Saturn. The energy of Mars will be more focused and methodical. Mars can be ambitious and knows how to get good results by being strategic and working hard.

Land development, construction and engineering are greatly favored during this time. In fact, any endeavor requiring planning, strategy, perseverance and hard work can do well. The signs that are ruled by Mars - Aries and Scorpio - will benefit from Mars being strong. If your Ascendant, Sun or Moon are in any of these signs you can make good use of its strength during this time.

Mars and Feisty Ketu  

There is, however, another side to this transit. Mars will join Ketu, the south node of the Moon, in Capricorn. Ketu is “headless” and relies on instinct. Ketu relates to the past. This combination of Mars and Ketu in Capricorn can escalate violence. The risk of war and terrorism is higher because both planets are “hot” and quick to action. Mars can attack as well as defend. The threats of fires and epidemics are also higher than normal.

Mars Goes Retrograde

A great deal of karma is being worked out during this time. Astrologically this can also be seen because Mars will go retrograde, and cross over Ketu, no less than three times.

Mars is in retrograde between June 26th and August 27th. Mars will be on the same degree as Ketu on June 8th, July 20th (when Mars is retrograde), and again on September 25th. Avoid travel and large crowds on these days if you can, the risk of terrorism is higher than normal.

Political Rhetoric Heats Up

For Donald Trump the planets Mars and Ketu are transiting his sixth house. This is a house of enemies. His enemies are very powerful during this time, and can reveal that which he has preferred to keep private. His own ability to fight is also strong.

Two Expressions of Mars/Ketu

Ketu is also connected to spirituality and Mars with Ketu can give good insights. However, the danger of being fanatical is high, both on the political and religious arena.

How to Relax with Mars

Mars is a physical planet and this is a time that lends itself well to exercise, fitness, yoga and sports. Ketu loves nature so, if possible, plan for some time in the great outdoors. Relax and heal with massage and ayurveda, which represent a healing side of the Mars/Ketu combination.

We may see an increase in divisive energy, so pray for the victory, not of anger and hate, but of wisdom and compassion.

Dates to Remember:

May 2nd
Mars in Capricorn, joins Ketu
May 9th
Mercury is Gandanta
May 9th
Mercury in Taurus May 9 - May 26
May 9th
The day when Jupiter is the closest to Earth this year
 May 14th
Venus in Gemini
May 14th
Sun in Taurus
May 15th
New Moon in Taurus
May 26th
Mercury in Taurus, exchanges signs with Venus
May 29th
Full Moon in Scorpio



Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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