Mars and Ketu in Capricorn are keeping us on our toes at this time. The volcanic eruptions in Hawaii are one expression of this conjunction. Mars and Ketu are both aspecting Cancer, a sign representing home, and a disturbed Rahu in Cancer has manifested evacuations and loss of homes.
Mars and Ketu are both hot and quick to act. Their unexpected and unpredictable behavior can cause other natural calamities to occur around the globe. The risk of violence, explosions, wildfires, lightning and thunderstorms are higher than normal.
The exact conjunction between Mars and Ketu takes place on June 7th. Mars will then move three degrees ahead of Ketu before turning retrograde on June 26th. Their paths will cross again on July 20th and once more on September 25th. Both of the lunar nodes Ketu and Rahu can be toxic and poisonous (as manifested by the poisonous gases as lava from Kilauea volcano pours into the ocean).
With so much instability in the world it is a relief to have Jupiter transiting Libra. Libra wants balance and Jupiter helps us to realize the wisdom of negotiation in this peace loving sign.
Mercury, the planet of communication, moves rather quickly through his own sign Gemini between June 9th and June 25th. Mercury enjoys this sign so take time to be with friends, make plans, write and find time to learn new things. This is a favorable time for Gemini.
Mercury’s stay in Gemini does not last long, but his visit in Cancer will last for over two months. Here Mercury is aligned with the lunar nodes and Venus, and also receives an aspect from Mars. In addition, Mercury will go retrograde at the end of July for several weeks. Perhaps more will be revealed about data breaches, issues of privacy on the internet, or other situations which makes communication more difficult and confusing.
When Mars goes retrograde on June 26th, he will join three other retrograde planets: Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. Many retrograde planets means that there are things to work out before we know how to move forward.
June 7th | Exact Mars and Ketu conjunction 13’ Capricorn |
June 8th - July 4th | Venus in Cancer, joins Rahu |
June 9th - June 25th | Mercury in Gemini |
June 13th | New Moon in Taurus, Mrigashira 28’ |
June 15th - July 16 | Sun joins Mercury in Gemini |
June 18th | Neptune Retrograde |
June 19th | Rahu/Venus conjunction at 12’ Cancer |
June 25th - Sep 2nd | Mercury in Cancer, joins Venus and Rahu |
June 26th - Aug 27th | Mars Retrograde |
June 27th | Full Moon in Sagittarius |
In April, I had the opportunity to do consultations with people at the Yogananda Fest in Los Angeles. I have more events coming up in the next few months.
Yogananda Fest – Palo Alto, California
Speaking at the 19th Vedic Astrology Conference at Sivananda Yoga farm, Grass Valley
Speaking at the Sixth International Vedic Astrology Conference in San Francisco
February 2025 begins with a rare cluster of planets in the early degrees of Pisces.