Mars joins Ketu, Sun and Mercury in Scorpio shortly after the solar eclipse on December 4th. A very intense Scorpio reveals transformation and change during this last month of the year.
The last eclipse of the year takes place on December 4th when a total solar eclipse sweeps across Antarctica. A few places in the southern hemisphere will also be able to see a partial eclipse: South Africa, Namibia, Falkland Islands, Tasmania, and the southern tips of Australia, New Zealand and Chile.
The eclipse occurs at 18 degrees Scorpio in Jyeshta nakshatra.
Scorpio has hidden power. Its symbol is a scorpion.
Scorpions can sting us when we least expect it and its venom causes pain. We have already been given a taste of this poison, through the sudden emergence of the Omicron variant of Covid, which has rattled and unsettled the world. The energy of a solar eclipse is sometimes also observed and felt before the actual event. A solar eclipse with Ketu in Scorpio can certainly manifest chaos, uncertainty and confusion.
The eclipse will take place in Jyestha nakshatra, a constellation that indicates seniority and authority. Jyeshta translates to elder sister.
In vedic mythology Jyeshta Devi was the older sister of the Goddess Lakshmi. Jyeshta Devi is the Goddess of inauspicious things and misfortune and is associated with inauspicious places and sinners. It may not come as a surprise that Jyeshta Devi does not have many followers, many people associate her with bad luck.
However, her followers have much respect for her and believe that she is greatly misunderstood, and that she is the epitome of selflessness and sacrifice. The mythology further tells us that Jyeshta Devi comes and prepares us for the entry of her sister Lakshmi, the Goddess of prosperity and bliss.
Perhaps Jyeshta Devi lives where there is darkness and misfortune so that she can guide us towards a better life. Maybe she is like the darkness before dawn.
Jyeshta nakshatra expresses authority and power.
World leaders, governments and politicians are often associated with Jyeshta. The world is facing great challenges at this time. Jyeshta nakshatra can sometimes also be associated with setbacks and financial losses.
The shakti of Jyeshta is the power to overcome, to rise and to conquer. The Deity for Jyeshta is Indra.
“He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him.” Daniel 2:22
While the Sun is eclipsed, the new Moon is thin and debilitated in Scorpio. The shortest day of the year is experienced in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter solstice on December 21st.
Stay fit and keep in mind that the Sun also represents health and vitality.
Mantra: Gayatri mantra - increases the inner light
Om Suryaya Namaha is a mantra for the Sun
Mars enters Scorpio only a few hours after the eclipse.
This makes the energy in Scorpio extremely intense. Mars, Ketu and the Sun are fiery planets and Mercury is also part of this combination.
On December 15th the Sun is very unstable because it is in Gandanta while moving into Sagittarius. On this day the conjunction between Mars and Ketu is exact at 7 degrees Scorpio. This is an explosive combination and violence is possible. Power struggles can occur at this time.
The Sun will be more comfortable in Sagittarius after the 16th. Mars continues to be disturbed in Scorpio due to the unsettling energy of the solar eclipse having just occured in this sign. On the last day of the year Mars will transit the degree where the solar eclipse took place, 18 degrees Scorpio.
The energy of Mars’ transit over the degree where the solar eclipse occurred can be difficult. Try to make it a calm evening and avoid being in crowds on this last day of the year if you can.
On December 25th, about 2000 years ago, during a very dark time, a baby was born in a stable outside of Bethlehem. He brought a message of love and compassion, of peace and of bliss.
He also gave the world hope. And 2000 years later his message is as strong as ever.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5
*Pacific time, True Node
Christmas Blessings,
Astrologically, March and April are likely the most dramatic months in 2025. The first pair of eclipses in 2025 occur in March. And on March 29, the same day as the solar eclipse, Saturn moves into a new sign, Pisces.
February 2025 begins with a rare cluster of planets in the early degrees of Pisces.