This month we will have a total solar eclipse on July 2nd and a partial lunar eclipse on July 16th. Mercury also goes retrograde for three weeks. Many planets will shift into Cancer during the second part of July.
The Sun is with Rahu in Gemini between June 15th and July 16th. The Sun cannot be more than 11 degrees away from Rahu for a solar eclipse to occur and the eclipse always takes place during a new moon. It is the moon’s shadow falling on the Sun that darkens the light of the Sun.
Such an event takes place during the new moon on July 2nd when a total solar eclipse occurs. The effect of an eclipse is stronger in places where it is visible and its effect can linger for a few years.
The Great American Eclipse occured in 2017 and the United States has experienced more political upheaval and natural catastrophes during these last couple of years than normal. The eclipse on July 2nd will be totally visible in Chile and Argentina, and partially visible in parts of Ecuador, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.
An eclipse still has an influence even if we are not in its direct path. You can also experience personal transformation as a result, especially if the degree of the eclipse falls near your Sun, Moon or Ascendant in your birth chart.
The Sun represents Self, authority and consciousness. Since the light of the Sun is darkened during the eclipse, it is important to keep one’s consciousness clean and uplifted. Prayers, mantras, meditation, keeping good company and good thoughts are especially beneficial during this time.
The lunar eclipse occurs two weeks later. This eclipse takes place on July 16th in the last degree of Sagittarius just before the Sun will enter Cancer.
A lunar eclipse always occurs during a full moon. The earth comes between the sun and the moon and it is the shadow of the earth that covers the light that is normally seen from the Moon.
The lunar eclipse on July 16th will be partially visible in many countries around the globe, but will not be visible in North America. The Moon will be with Ketu and Saturn.
The effect of a lunar eclipse is much more immediate than a solar eclipse. While the energy tends to be unstable during a lunar eclipse it is important to stay grounded. Spending time in nature, walking and gardening are good activities for connecting to the earth.
The close Sun/Rahu conjunction takes place July 8th to July 10th. During the same time, Mercury goes retrograde in Cancer on July 8th. Mercury and Mars are very close together in this emotional sign, which can challenge our ability to stay even minded in communication.
Venus is transiting Gemini and conjuncts Rahu on July 17th which also manifests volatility.
Shortly after the partial lunar eclipse the Sun moves into Cancer - the sign of the Moon. The Sun moves into Cancer on July 16th and Venus joins on July 23rd. This means that there will now be four planets in Cancer: Mars, Mercury, Sun and Venus.
A favorable aspect from Jupiter will benefit all the planets in Cancer. The analytical and deeply investigative energy of a retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio will also help to stabilize the energy of these planets.
Many blessings and Joy,
Astrologically, March and April are likely the most dramatic months in 2025. The first pair of eclipses in 2025 occur in March. And on March 29, the same day as the solar eclipse, Saturn moves into a new sign, Pisces.
February 2025 begins with a rare cluster of planets in the early degrees of Pisces.