March is an eventful month with many things happening. Similar to our weather, the planets also go through changes. This blog post focuses on Venus, and a second post about the transits of other planets will come out soon.
March begins with a planetary war between Venus and Jupiter.
When two planets are less than a degree apart, they are said to be in a
planetary war. This closeness causes a fight for power and control between the planets.
However, neither Venus nor Jupiter are particularly warlike. They are gurus, teachers, and counselors.
Yet, they influence us in different ways. So how do they differ? And in what way do they teach us?
Let’s first take a closer look at the qualities of Venus.
In the West, we usually think of Venus as female, but in Vedic astrology, all the planets are male, including Venus.
Venus governs our attractions and rules over matters that give pleasure: beauty, art, luxury, relationships, devotion, and reproduction come under his domain.
Venus is called Shukra in Sanskrit. Shukra means clear and bright. Venus is the first star to appear in the sky after the sun sets, and Venus also shines brightly in the morning.
The gemstones for Venus are clear, bright, and sparkly. The primary gemstone is diamond, and white sapphire is also excellent. White Beryl and Crystal are also compatible with the energy of Venus.
In Vedic mythology, Shukra (Venus) is the son of Bhrigu and is noble, refined, and bright. Shukra has a connection to astrology and gemstones because of his relationship with Bhrigu.
Shukra’s charm attracted the Asuras. The Asuras are demigods or demons endowed with both good and bad qualities.
Shukra began to teach the unruly demons how to be happy and pure. He taught them to live well on planet earth. He showed them how to use their senses and desires to uplift and heal and how to transform their desires into expressions of devotion and love.
In order to understand the March 2023 planetary war between Venus and Jupiter, let’s take a closer look at Jupiter’s qualities as well.
In Vedic mythology, Jupiter gives hope and faith to the Devas, beings who want to be enlightened and follow dharma and spirituality.
Also known as Brihaspati, he counsels the Devas, and his light blesses them with knowledge, expansion, prosperity, wisdom, and truth.
The Devas and the Asuras are not friends. They both wanted the Amrita, the Divine nectar of Immortality. Jupiter and Venus are planetary enemies.
The war between Venus and Jupiter takes place in the last of the twelve zodiac signs and in the last nakshatra.
The final nakshatra, Revati, expresses endings. In order to move from the end of a cycle to the beginning of another a transformation has to take place. We can also see this expressed around us in nature as we move from winter to spring. Revati also protects travelers.
The planetary war takes place in Pisces. Pisces is a humanitarian sign and humanitarian aid is critical now.
Both planets do extremely well in Pisces. Venus guides our material desires. Jupiter wants expansion through knowledge and philosophy. To ensure that there is a victory for dharma, we need to make sure that both planets can work in harmony.
On March 9th, Venus comes to its degree of exaltation at 27 degrees Pisces. Shortly thereafter Venus is in gandanta on March 11th as he moves from Pisces to Aries. Gandanta is the tumultuous passage between a water sign and a fire sign. Gandanta in Pisces expresses the end of a cycle and the beginning of another.
Venus will stay in Aries between February 11 and April 5th. Venus is much more Rajasic (action-oriented and restless) with Rahu in the fiery sign of Aries.
Venus and Rahu are in exact conjunction at 11 degrees Aries at the time of the Spring Equinox on March 20, and on March 21st, the new moon is in Pisces.
Venus moves into its own sign Taurus on April 5th.
I will write about other planetary movements next week in part II of Astrological Highlights for March.
Until then, stay warm during this month of spring and changeable weather.
Astrologically, March and April are likely the most dramatic months in 2025. The first pair of eclipses in 2025 occur in March. And on March 29, the same day as the solar eclipse, Saturn moves into a new sign, Pisces.
February 2025 begins with a rare cluster of planets in the early degrees of Pisces.