by Lina Elisabeth Preston 4 min read

What does Vedic astrology tell us about September, 2021?

This is a mixed month with some very good astrological influences, but also indications of upcoming challenges. 

The Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) dominate this September. Jupiter will return to Capricorn on September 14th. When the Sun enters Virgo on September 16th there will be six planets in Earth signs. 

Strong and Positive Planets this September

The first half of September looks very good. Many planets are strong and powerful: Mercury, Venus, Sun and Saturn are in their own signs. 

Mercury is doing well this month in Virgo, the sign of his exaltation. Mercury makes a short visit to Libra between September 21st and October 1st, but then goes retrograde and returns to Virgo on October 1st, where he remains during the month of October.

Mercury is retrograde between September 26 and October 18.

Venus leaves Virgo on September 5th and moves to Libra, which is a sign that Venus rules.

Venus remains in Libra throughout the month. It is very nice to have Venus transit Libra, the sign of balance, diplomacy and harmony, during a time when there is so much division in the world. The presence of Venus in Libra will soften some of the current conflicts.

Mars Stays Close to the Sun

Mars enters Virgo on September 5th, the same day that Venus leaves the sign. When the Sun also enters Virgo on September 16th, he will stay close to Mars. Their closeness will get tighter and the Sun and Mars conjunction will be extremely close during the first half of October. Sun and Mars are both hot planets so this is a “hot” combination in one of the earth signs. It will make October more challenging than September.

Powerful Earth Signs this Month

When the Sun also enters Virgo on September 16th there will be six planets in Earth signs: Rahu in Taurus, Sun, Mercury, Mars in Virgo, and Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn. 

The Earth Signs are associated with Artha, one of the main goals in life. Artha means the right accumulation of resources and shows our ability to  acquire what we need. Artha demonstrates the earth element and the need to be practical, enduring, hardworking, utilitarian and creative with the resources of the Earth. 

Rahu in Taurus will make us look at our financial resources and economy. Planets in Taurus can bring out an interest in food and gardening and can also make us productive and creative with other resources of the earth. Taurus also brings out an appreciation for the beauty and the pleasure that the earth can give. 

Virgo lets us know that we need to be practical and should make ourselves useful to others. When Mercury is in Virgo it can be good for business because there is good discernment and a fine sense for detail in this sign. Virgo rules the digestive system and is associated with health. Maintaining a good diet for the sake of healing and health is important for Virgo.

Capricorn is solid earth and the ruler of Capricorn is Saturn. Saturn in Capricorn is hardworking and persevering. Saturn rules laborers, farmers, builders, and people who serve. Capricorn governs structure and the infrastructure.

Truth and Consequences: Saturn in Capricorn

Saturn is a planet that can reveal the truth and the consequences of our actions. Saturn in Capricorn has been showing us the impact of neglecting environmental problems. The pandemic is also making us feel Saturn’s restrictions and is keeping us on our toes. Saturn in Capricorn is pushing us towards doing something about the destructive effects of both global warming and the pandemic.

Saturn Needs the Guidance of Jupiter

Jupiter has been in retrograde since mid June and continues his retrograde until the middle of next month. On September 14th he will return to Capricorn. Jupiter’s normal sense of expansion is restrained in Capricorn in the company of Saturn. The things that Jupiter represents are under pressure: travel, children, higher education, politics are examples of Jupiter’s influence. 

However, Jupiter will also guide and advise Saturn in matters related to Saturn, such as work, infrastructure, disease, security and safety. Jupiter represents advisers as well as dharma, the right way to act. The planet of dharma is joining the planet of karma for the next two months. Hopefully the wisdom of Jupiter can align with the reality of Saturn.

May you be guided by wisdom and truth during these times.



Key Astrological Dates: September 2021

Sept 1                    Venus and Mercury are in Virgo
                              Sun and Mars are in Leo
Sep 5 - Oct 1         Venus is in Libra
Sep 5 - Oct 21       Mars is in Virgo
Sep 6                      New Moon in Leo, Purva Phalguni
Sep 14 - Nov 20     Jupiter returns to Capricorn
Sep 16th - Oct 17   Sun in Virgo
Sep 16 - 17            Moon in Capricorn   7 planets in Earth signs
Sep 20             Full Moon in Pisces
Sep 21 - Oct 1       Mercury in Libra
Sep 26 - Oct 18     Mercury retrograde 
Oct 1 - Nov 1         Mercury is back in Virgo 

Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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