Many planets are in Sagittarius right now. In fact, later this month when the solar eclipse takes place in this sign, there will be 7 planets there if we count the outer planet, Pluto.
The true purpose of Sagittarius is to bring awareness to higher states of consciousness. This transformation of energy can manifest as battles for righteousness, freedom and truth.
A full Moon in Taurus late on December 11th (Pacific Time), would usually indicate stability. However, the many planets in Sagittarius, which is the eighth sign from Taurus, points to unsettled battles.
This is the last full Moon of the year and it is called the Full Cold Moon. This is because this is the month when winter begins in the Northern Hemisphere.
The winter solstice takes place on December 22nd. The south pole of the Earth is tilted towards the Sun and the north pole is tilted away from the Sun. It makes this the darkest day of the year in the northern hemisphere.
A close conjunction between Venus and Saturn will also take place. When you look at the early night sky on December 11th you will not only see the round, bright face of the Moon, but also how the brilliant light of Venus is close to a more subdued light of Saturn on the other side of the night sky. Close associations between Venus and Saturn often indicate some restraint.
A solar eclipse can be an indication of an upcoming change or transformation. The outcome of an eclipse is difficult to predict because it will often bring out something unexpected. Quite often the effect of an eclipse is not immediate but will show up later.
In North America (PT) the eclipse will occur late on Christmas Day. This “ring of fire” solar eclipse is visible in the Arabian Peninsula, Southern India, Sri Lanka, Singapore and Indonesia on December 26th.
An eclipse can indicate large scale events about to occur but will also affect us on a personal level, especially if we have significant planets near the degree of the eclipse.
The upcoming eclipse takes place close to 10 degrees Sagittarius in Mula Nakshatra. Mula means root and this nakshatra is connected to Muladhara chakra (the first chakra), associated with our survival and security. Muladhara also expresses the need for developing self-restraint in order to grow spiritually.
Christmas is a special time when we celebrate the birth of Christ and Christ consciousness. Let us become more aware of the seeds of this consciousness, water them, and let them grow strong during 2020.
(The astrological data is based on Pacific Time)
Astrologically, March and April are likely the most dramatic months in 2025. The first pair of eclipses in 2025 occur in March. And on March 29, the same day as the solar eclipse, Saturn moves into a new sign, Pisces.
February 2025 begins with a rare cluster of planets in the early degrees of Pisces.