This June, Saturn goes retrograde for four and a half months. Saturn reminds us that we need to go back and review any recent changes that have occurred in our lives.
The day before Saturn begins his long retrograde on June 4th, Mercury goes direct again after having been retrograde for 25 days.
Saturn has been transiting the sign of Capricorn for the last two and a half years. However, on April 28th Saturn moved from Capricorn into Aquarius. Now this planet of karma is getting ready to return once again to Capricorn as he moves retrograde.
Saturn moves slowly. He has made it past one degree into Aquarius since his arrival in April. In fact, he is almost not moving at all now that he is about to go retrograde.
Saturn will return to Capricorn on July 12th. Until then, Saturn stays within the first degree of Aquarius.
Anyone who has planets near the first degree of Aquarius (or near the first degree in the opposite sign, Leo) undoubtedly feels the presence of Saturn in their lives right now.
Saturn is the number one teacher of karmic lessons and makes us deal with the areas in our lives that he influences in our birth chart.
Saturn is staying at the cusp between Capricorn and Aquarius for three months.
When a planet is at the cusp between two signs it is a condition known as sandhi. While Saturn is in Sandhi, he expresses the energy of both signs simultaneously.
Sandhi can cause confusion regarding which sign a planet should express, but since Saturn rules both of these signs the energies are compatible.
Both Capricorn and Aquarius are signs ruled by Saturn.
Capricorn is an earth sign and governs the basic structure of our lives, and the infrastructure of society. Capricorn wants us to organize our natural resources wisely so that we can persevere and have the ability to sustain ourselves.
Aquarius is an air sign and is therefore more focused on ideas, ideals and communication. Aquarius (and the sign’s ruler, Saturn) organizes ideas and ideals into philosophies, science and political reforms that hopefully can serve humanity. The fight for democracy against dictatorship and autocracy will likely continue while Saturn is in Aquarius.
Saturn goes retrograde every year. During his retrograde, he wants us to reassess and reflect on the lessons of his earlier transit.
Saturn will retrograde back to 24 degrees Capricorn. If you have planets in the last degrees of Capricorn, Saturn will transit them twice– first when he is retrograde and then again when he moves direct.
Saturn will move back into Aquarius in January 2023.
Capricorn and Aquarius, as well as their ruler Saturn, have a connection to the first chakra.
Located at the base of the spine, this chakra governs foundations and expresses the need for stability, security and safety.
Saturn’s transit in Capricorn has made us aware of our own vulnerability, and some of the fundamental threats to our security and safety. Covid, wars, climate change, famine and violence are some examples.
Saturn is very influenced by Mars while he is in Dhanishta nakshatra
(mid February, 2022 to March 2023).
The Dhanishta nakshatra is ruled by Mars and is situated in signs ruled by Saturn. So we have a strong Mars / Saturn influence during this time.
The primary motivation for Dhanishta is Dharma. Dharma is powerfully and courageously expressed by many people in the world today. Unfortunately we live in a time of conflict and low consciousness, resulting in malefic expressions of Mars: ego, war, cruelty, and destruction.
Saturn began his transit in Dhanishta nakshatra in mid February, at the time when the Ukrainian war began. Saturn stays in this nakshatra until March 15, 2023.
Mars joins Rahu and Uranus in Aries between June 27th and August 3rd. Although Mars rules Aries, Mars can be volatile in the presence of Rahu, and rebellious with Uranus.
During the first part of July, Aries is calmed by strong, benefic planets on both sides (Jupiter in Pisces and Venus in Taurus). But later in July, we’ll see Mars, Rahu and Uranus getting close together in Aries and they will have a volatile impact on each other. On August 1st, these planets will be exactly on the same degree, which is an especially hot and intense combination.
The full moon on June 14th is Gandanta in Scorpio and can be emotionally challenging.
It is a saving grace that the benefic planets are so strong after June 18 when Venus joins Mercury in Taurus.
Stay safe, even-minded and courageous!