by Lina Elisabeth Preston 4 min read

With the arrival of March, all the planets are in Capricorn or Aquarius, both signs ruled by Saturn. The planets are also in Kala Sarpa Yoga, which means that they all are on one side of the lunar node axis, further emphasizing opposition, conflict and imbalance.

We especially see a lot of tension astrologically on March 2nd, with two planetary wars happening during the New Moon.

A Need for Healing

There is a new Moon on March 2nd at 9:35 am Pacific Time.

The New Moon shows up near 18 degrees in Aquarius in Satabhisha nakshatra. Satabhisha translates as 100 physicians, which suggests a need for healing and healers.

Jupiter is close to the Sun and New Moon and adds grace, but Jupiter’s combustion makes him less effective.

Powerful Planetary Wars During the New Moon

We are experiencing several planetary wars this month. A planetary war is when two planets are within one degree of each other, and each planet fights for power and dominance over the other.

Mars and Venus have been fighting a planetary war between them since February 11th. The length of their war is a rare astrological phenomena. The two planets begin to slowly separate after March 12th.

Venus wants peace and diplomacy, while Mars is assertive and aggressive.
On March 2nd, we see the exact conjunction of Mars and Venus transiting over Pluto. At the same time, we also see a planetary war between Saturn and Mercury. This is all happening on the day of the New Moon, March 2nd.

The two planetary wars during the New Moon reflect the serious situation in the world.

Positive and Negative Expressions of Mars/Pluto

The first planetary war takes place at three degrees Capricorn between Mars, Pluto and Venus. Mars - the planet of action - is exalted in Capricorn, so his energy is focused and disciplined.

Everything in astrology has more than one side. This is also true about the close conjunction between Mars and Pluto.

On the positive side, this conjunction can give tremendous energy, courage and support in maintaining one’s independence and separate identity during a time of struggles against tremendous obstacles. It may leave one with no other option but to use this energy in order to fight.

However, a negative expression of the Mars/Pluto transit indicates a ruthless desire for power. A malefic Pluto has destructive power and does not hesitate to use manipulation, propaganda, brutality and violence in order to get results.

Saturn/Mercury Conjunction Blocks Communication

The second planetary war on March 2nd is between Saturn and Mercury, both at 25 degrees in Capricorn, expressing the blocks and obstacles in trade, business and communication that we see right now.

Why War Now?

Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) is a sign of infrastructure. It is focused, methodical and organized.

Capricorn can lend itself to war, especially when several powerful malefic planets transit the sign at the same time. Such is the situation this month when Saturn, Mars and Pluto transit the sign. Especially during the time that Mars is closely conjunct Pluto at the beginning of March.

The Sun (another malefic planet) was also transiting Capricorn until February 12th. This helped set the stage for what is happening now.

What is Influencing Putin Astrologically Now?

Saturn is influencing Putin’s lunar nodes right now, because Saturn is making a transit over Putin’s natal Rahu at 26 degrees Capricorn. This is opposite his natal Ketu at 26 degrees Cancer.

Putin’s personal karma is obviously connected to the karma of the world. Putin is himself in a Saturn period. The transit of Saturn over his natal Rahu reveals his fanatical and toxic desires.

What is Next?

The period of the new Moon and the following couple of days are critical while Mars/Venus slowly transit over Pluto. This is a critical time of deep transformation for the world. The courageous people of Ukraine need help and prayers.

The fighting and the efforts for peace continue simultaneously. Venus and Mars slowly begin to separate after March 12th.

Venus will transit Saturn at 27 degrees Capricorn on March 28th. This is likely to influence financial structures and values in the world. Venus moves rather quickly and a couple of days later, on March 30th, Venus will be in Aquarius.

Starting March 30th, Mars is left alone with Saturn (and Pluto) for a week.
When Mars comes to his exaltation point, 28 degrees Capricorn, he will be in a planetary war with Saturn. This war takes place between April 3rd - 5th.

There are also exact aspects to the lunar nodes; Mars aspects Rahu and Saturn aspects Ketu to the exact degrees. (28 degrees Aries and Libra, True Nodes). This can be a dangerous and explosive time.

We will also see major planetary shifts in April. Major planets will shift signs and we will see the Saturn/Mars conjunction at the beginning of April. More about this next month.

We need to pray for the brave people of Ukraine. Their fight is ours too.

Important Astrological Dates March 2022

  • March 1 Amavasya
  • March 2 New Moon in Aquarius
  • March 5 - 23 Mercury in Aquarius
  • March 14 - April 14 Sun in Pisces
  • March 18 Full Moon in Virgo 3:30 degrees, Uttara Phalguni
  • March 21 Mercury/Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius, Purva Bhadrapada
  • March 23 Mercury in Pisces
  • March 27 Venus/Saturn conjunction 27 degrees Capricorn
  • March 30 Venus in Aquarius
  • March 31 New Moon in Pisces 17:20 Revati

Many blessings,

Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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