The second lunar eclipse in 2022 takes place on November 8th.
Mars will also transit in retrograde motion from Gemini and back into Taurus on November 13th. Around the same time, the cluster of planets in Libra will move into Scorpio.
Occuring on November 8th, this total lunar eclipse is visible in North America, parts of South America, North/East Europe, Asia and Australia. It is also visible from the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.
In California the eclipse begins at midnight and ends at 6 am, peaking at 3 am.
The November 2022 lunar eclipse occurs at 21:50 degrees in Aries, in Bharani nakshatra.
Bharani nakshatra is ruled by Venus and Aries is a sign ruled by Mars.
Bharani nakshatra (where the eclipse takes place) can be a fighter in the cause of social justice and can be fierce when perceiving an injustice. One example right now are the protests in Iran against a government that is oppressive towards women.
The eclipse reflects the darkness, confusion and polarity we can currently see expressed in the world. The earth is going through deep changes. The eclipse in Bharani expresses a need to let go of the old in order to allow something new to be born. You can read more about Bharani nakshatra here.
At the time of the eclipse, the Sun is in Libra – a sign of social justice.
The scales in Libra want to measure balance. This can be a challenge now that the Sun is with Ketu, combust Mercury and Venus. Saturn also aspects Libra, adding to a feeling of unfairness and injustice.
The eclipsed Moon is disturbed between Rahu and a retrograde Uranus, and can manifest sudden disruptions, protests and fears around the world.
The eclipse takes place in Aries, which is ruled by Mars. We also need to look at the ruler of the sign where the eclipse takes place in order ro get a better idea of its outcome. Mars in retrograde is reactive, which makes anger and violence more likely.
It is common to fast on the day of an eclipse. It is especially good during the eclipse in Bharani because this nakshatra is good for cleansing and the removal of impurities. Perhaps you also want to go through your closets and drawers and remove what you don’t need. Bharani is also a nakshatra of removal. Donate to your local thrift store and dispose of that which is outworn.
Eclipses are a good time to pray for departed loved ones. The veil to the astral world is thin now.
Mars went retrograde on October 30th.
Mars is the main planet responsible for accidents, conflicts and wars.
Sometimes changes happen too fast, and too aggressively. When Mars is retrograde, Mars retaliates and may need to respond to the effects of a conflict or a combative situation.
Mars is strategic, but when Mars is retrograde a new strategy or technique may need to be applied.
Mars moves back from Gemini to Taurus on November 13th. Putin has his Moon in Taurus and Zelensky’s rising sign is in Taurus. They are both obviously responding to the development of war.
Venus, Mercury and the Sun in Libra shift over to Scorpio around the time Mars retrogrades back to Taurus. Mars will then be opposing the planets in Scorpio.
The end of 2022 is difficult, which is reflected by the planetary positions.
A difficult side of Mars is being expressed during this time. Mars is powerful, and it becomes important to strengthen this planet’s positive qualities.
“The world is the great gymnasium
where we come to make ourselves strong.”
—Swami Vivekananda
Astrologically, March and April are likely the most dramatic months in 2025. The first pair of eclipses in 2025 occur in March. And on March 29, the same day as the solar eclipse, Saturn moves into a new sign, Pisces.
February 2025 begins with a rare cluster of planets in the early degrees of Pisces.