During December 2022, a shift will gradually occur as Mercury, Venus and the Sun move away from the powerful influence of Scorpio and into Sagittarius - a sign with a dynamic and positive energy.
With three planets entering Sagittarius this month, it is helpful to look at the qualities of this sign.
Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by Jupiter and reveals an enthusiasm for learning, teaching and travel. Fire can burn and destroy, but it can also purify.
The symbol for Sagittarius is a centaur aiming for the stars with his bow and arrow, which symbolizes a striving for a universal understanding. There is a desire for expansion and knowledge in this sign.
Jupiter (Guru) is the ruler of Sagittarius and sets the tone for this sign. Jupiter can help us gain wisdom and higher consciousness through attunement with universal realities.
We are fortunate that Jupiter is currently transiting in Pisces, another sign ruled by Jupiter.
Jupiter’s placement is especially important now because its strength or weakness also influences the planets which are transiting Sagittarius this month: Mercury, Venus and the Sun. Jupiter’s own position in the water sign, Pisces, emphasizes ideals, intuition and compassion.
Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 2nd. Mercury moves quickly through the twelve signs, but this time Mercury spends an unusually long time in Sagittarius. This is because he will also travel retrograde during his stay in Sagittarius. Mercury does go into Capricorn on December 28th, but he turns retrograde and returns to Sagittarius after only three days.
Mercury is about communication, education and business. While Mercury is in Sagittarius, we can expect a deeper interest in education. Perhaps we even need to look over how we share information, or re-enter data, because Mercury is retrograde for three weeks beginning at the end of this month.
Mercury is retrograde between December 29th and January 18th. He stays in Sagittarius until February 6th.
Venus will transit Sagittarius for most of December; between December 5th and December 29th. When both Mercury and Venus are in Sagittarius, social media, news and other forms of communication are likely to come into focus. We may need to evaluate the channels which influence our values and sense of truth.
This can also be a good time to work on websites or social media platforms.
The Sun joins Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius on December 15th.
Mars is on the same degree as the full Moon on December 7th. The Moon is strong in Taurus and the influence of Mars reveals public activity and strong emotions. This could be a time of big demonstrations in the world. Mars is closely aspecting the Sun which rules leadership.
The winter solstice takes place on December 21st. This is the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. The winter solstice also marks the point at which the sun’s influence on man’s consciousness is most “inward.” It makes it an especially good time for meditation and retreats.
The new Moon on December 23rd is in Moola Nakshatra. Moola means root and reveals our origins and essence. Amavasya - the time right before the new Moon - is a good time to pray for our departed loved ones. The new Moon in Moola nakshatra is also a time that can help us tune into the spirit and meaning of Christmas.
Venus moves into Capricorn and Mercury goes retrograde on December 29th. Jupiter and the Moon are in conjunction in Pisces at this time which is auspicious.
Saturn is getting ready to move into Aquarius. The planets are preparing and setting the stage for next year.
Wishing you all a blissful Christmas!
Astrologically, March and April are likely the most dramatic months in 2025. The first pair of eclipses in 2025 occur in March. And on March 29, the same day as the solar eclipse, Saturn moves into a new sign, Pisces.
February 2025 begins with a rare cluster of planets in the early degrees of Pisces.