The planets are strong this month. Many planets are in their own signs or exalted. But the planetary configurations during this month can also express destructive energy and trauma. Be especially attentive during the second half of February.
Jupiter is in his own sign of Sagittarius the entire month. Saturn is in his own sign of Capricorn and Venus is in its exalted position in Pisces after February 2nd. These positions can express a good combination of idealism and practicality. However, there is also a darker and potentially destructive energy coming up.
Mars is in the gandanta zone between Scorpio and Sagittarius after the first week of February, and moves into Sagittarius on February 9th. He joins Ketu in Moola Nakshatra between February 9th and February 27th.
Mars and Ketu both have a fiery energy and Moola Nakshatra can be destructive. Rahu is transiting in the opposite sign Gemini, in Ardra Nakshatra.
The Lunar Nodes are associated with mass events and both Moola and Ardra can hold destructive energy; Ardra can give the experience of trauma, and Moola can tear up our roots. The last time that Mars joined Ketu in Moola, while Rahu was in Ardra with the Moon, was on September 11, 2001.
The energy after a solar eclipse still has an effect for a couple of years. Malefic planets can trigger this energy when they transit the area where the eclipse took place.
The Solar eclipse in December 2019 occurred at 10 degrees Sagittarius in Moola Nakshatra. Mars, Ketu and the Moon will be in Moola Nakshatra on February 18th, and on February 23rd the two malefics, Mars and Ketu, will both transit over the degree where the eclipse took place (using mean nodes). This is why the second half of February can be a treacherous time. The strong positions of the two benefic planets, Jupiter and Venus, are very helpful, but do not totally cancel a potentially destructive energy.
On February 24th Kala Sarpa yoga is in effect again. (mean nodes) Kala Sarpa yoga means that all the planets are between the Lunar nodes on one half of the zodiac.
Mercury will break it at the end of May when he moves past Rahu on the other side of the zodiac. In the meantime it is only the Moon that breaks up the Kala Sarpa every fortnight.
Kala Sarpa yoga manifests division, imbalance and polarity.
Mercury is transiting the sign of Aquarius and is in the Satabhisha Nakshatra from February 4th. Mercury goes retrograde between February 16th and March 9th in Aquarius, in the Nakshatra Satabhisha.
Satabhisha is sometimes referred to as “one hundred physicians” or “one hundred medicines”. This Nakshatra expresses a need for universal healing. In order to arrest the Coronavirus from spreading further many physicians and finding the right medicines are certainly needed.
Where do we find ourselves at this time? The opportunity for spiritual growth and healing is great. The two benefic planets Jupiter and Venus want us to avoid the trap of fundamentalism and dogma. Instead we can connect to the deep wisdom of the Guru planet and the universal love of Venus always present within us. We have the opportunity now.
February 2025 begins with a rare cluster of planets in the early degrees of Pisces.