We will experience several important astrological events in October, including:
Mercury is direct again on October 2nd. Just as he is about to retrograde back into Leo he decides to stay in Virgo. He becomes direct at 0:01 degrees Virgo.
Mercury is exalted in Virgo.
Virgo brings out the analytical side of Mercury. Virgo is practical, has good discrimination and pays attention to detail. This is a good time to go over finances. Virgo’s interest in health, nutrition and healing can make this a good time to address health and diet.
Mercury stays in Virgo until October 26th.
Venus has been transiting Virgo since September 24th.
The practical and critical side of Virgo tends to make Venus worried and uncomfortable. Luckily Mercury is also in Virgo this month, which uplifts Venus and lessens the discomfort.
However, Venus will be very close to the Sun this month which is challenging. No planet likes to be too close to the Sun because of his heat and blinding light.
The Sun moves into Libra on October 17th and Venus joins the Sun in Libra on October 18th. They will transit on the same degree in Libra for several days.
Venus is also a part of the solar eclipse on October 23rd, and will be less than one degree away from the Sun.
In spite of his small size, Pluto is very powerful. He rules that which is below the surface and hidden. The subtle energies of Pluto also bring transformation.
Pluto can provide good opportunities for growth, renewal and rebirth but he can also manifest dissolution and destruction. His negative sides often lead to power struggles, tyrannical control, war and death.
Pluto turns direct on October 8th at 1:56 Capricorn. Pluto always moves slowly but in October he barely moves at all which makes him extremely intense and focused. His presence brings deep change and transformation.
Mars will be in Gemini from October 16th.
Mars stays on one degree Gemini from October 22 to November 7th. He slows down as he turns retrograde on October 30th. His energy becomes strongly focused and through his ability to aspect the 8th house from himself he will closely aspect Pluto in Capricorn.
The 8th house aspect of Mars on Pluto can manifest an intense transformation.
Saturn is the number one planet of karma.
Saturn’s energy becomes intensely focused as he remains stationed at 24 degrees Capricorn the entire month of October.
If you have personal planets near this degree; especially Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Ascendant ruler; you will undoubtedly feel his presence.
Tip: If you know your vedic chart, check out the house that Capricorn represents in your birth chart. This house represents areas in your life that are now affected by a strong Saturnian energy.
Capricorn and its ruler Saturn both have a connection to the first chakra. Located at the base of the spine, this chakra governs foundations and expresses the need for stability, security and safety.
Saturn’s transit in Capricorn has made us aware of our vulnerability, and some of the fundamental threats to our security and safety.
Capricorn is an earth sign and governs the basic structure of our lives, and the infrastructure of society. Saturn rules democracy. In the world today we see this energy manifested in the fight for democracy against dictatorship and autocracy.
Saturn in Capricorn also expresses resilience. These qualities of resilience and perseverance are much needed now. Capricorn wants us to organize our natural resources wisely so that we can persevere and have the ability to sustain ourselves.
The solar eclipse takes place on October 25th , at 7 degrees Libra, Swati nakshatra. The Sun, Moon, Venus and Ketu are all involved.
During the eclipse, the Sun is debilitated and Venus is combust the Sun.
Eclipses foretell of coming world events and can also affect our lives individually when we have planets near the degree of the eclipse. This becomes especially true if the planet near the eclipse is your Sun, Moon, ascendant, lunar nodes, or Venus. You can also feel the eclipse’s impact if you are in a planetary period ruled by Sun, Moon, Venus, Ketu or Rahu.
It is difficult to predict the outcome of an eclipse. The energy at the eclipse degree lingers and is charged for some time— sometimes for as long as a year or two afterwards. When important planets transit the degree of the eclipse, big events can be triggered. You can look at the degree of an eclipse and see where it falls in your vedic chart. The house position shows the areas of your life that are affected.
The October eclipse occurs in Swati nakshatra which is ruled by Rahu. This nakshatra is said to have the power to scatter like the wind. It is ruled by Vayu, the God of wind.
There are many potential scenarios for world events that could emerge from this eclipse, including:
Vayu is the God of wind. We have just experienced the unprecedented and devastating effects of hurricane Fiona and hurricane Ian. There will likely be other powerful hurricanes in the next year or two.
Unstable Diplomacy
Libra is a sign of diplomacy. The Sun represents leadership and authority, Venus represents our comfort and ability to get along. The eclipse can lead to unstable finances and partnerships.
The recent attacks on the gas pipelines in the Baltic have created concerns for other forms of sabotage. A strong Mars/Pluto combination reveals that much is going on beneath the surface.
Sudden Change
Rahu near Uranus can manifest as sudden and unexpected changes.
Women’s Rights
The eclipse has a Sun/Venus conjunction in Libra. Energetically, Venus represents women and the Sun represents authorities and leadership. Libra wants fairness and justice. We will likely see continued protests for women’s rights around the world.
According to timeanddate.com, “The partial solar eclipse will be visible from Europe, the Urals and Western Siberia, Central Asia and Western Asia, and from the north-east of Africa. The maximal phase of the partial eclipse will be recorded on West Siberian Plain in Russia.”
The Solar eclipse is followed by a Lunar eclipse two weeks later on November 8th.
The Moon will be eclipsed in Aries, quite near the planet Uranus. Uranus rules the unexpected and can manifest mass demonstrations and protest. Uranus also represents electricity.
“There is a fine line where the sky
touches the ocean. That is what God is like.
He is subtly settled between good and evil,
light and darkness, sickness and health,
and all other dualities. That is why
I love to watch the sky kissing the water.
It reminds me of His hidden presence.”
—Paramhansa Yogananda
Astrologically, March and April are likely the most dramatic months in 2025. The first pair of eclipses in 2025 occur in March. And on March 29, the same day as the solar eclipse, Saturn moves into a new sign, Pisces.
February 2025 begins with a rare cluster of planets in the early degrees of Pisces.