by Lina Elisabeth Preston 8 min read

What Can the Stars Tell Us About 2022?

Expect to see change and transformation this year as major planets will move into new signs. We will also have important planetary conjunctions, and experience two solar and two lunar eclipses.

The first quarter of the year does appear more challenging astrologically, but then things will begin to improve as the year progresses.

In 2022, April is by far the busiest time astrologically, with major planetary shifts taking place, as well as a solar eclipse during the exact conjunction between Venus and Jupiter.

Now let’s take a closer look at some of the major transits we will see this year.

Rahu and Ketu in 2022

Rahu and Ketu have a strong influence on world events. Their influence is also connected to viruses so we can see that the lunar nodes have been playing an important role during the pandemic. So, what happens with Rahu and Ketu during 2022?

Polarization and Division

Rahu and Ketu sometimes form a yoga called Kala Sarpa yoga. The Kala Sarpa Yoga often manifests polarization, imbalance and division and we have experienced this yoga periodically during the pandemic.

We continue to experience Kala Sarpa yoga in 2022, with the first full Kala Sarpa yoga of 2022 starting on January 28.

Kala means time, sarpa means snake and yoga means union. Rahu and Ketu are always 180 degrees apart and when all the planets are on one side of the nodal axis, flanked by the lunar nodes, the Kala Sarpa yoga takes place. Rahu and Ketu have much more power and influence during such times. The planets are said to be “in their grip.”

Rahu is in Taurus and Ketu is in Scorpio until April 12, 2022. When Mars leaves Scorpio on January 16th, all the visible planets (except for the Moon) will be in Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. However, the Moon breaks the Kala Sarpa yoga every two weeks and when the Moon joins the other planets, the Kala Sarpa yoga is formed.

Dates for the full Kala Sarpa yoga:

  • January 28 – February 10, 2022
  • February 25 – March 10, 2022
  • March 24 – April 6, 2022

Lunar Nodes Move into Aries and Libra

On April 12, 2022 the lunar nodes will move to new signs: Rahu will be in Aries and Ketu will be in Libra. They will transit these signs until October 30, 2023.

The Kala Sarpa yoga will be partly broken when Mercury joins Rahu in Aries, followed by the Sun’s entry in Aries on April 13th. After mid-May both the Sun and Mercury move out of Aries and into Taurus which will completely end the Kala Sarpa Yoga. This yoga will not reappear until 2025.

Eclipses in 2022

Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets and can eclipse the Sun and the Moon. Eclipses can bring about major events, changes and they reveal new things to us.

Eclipses affect us globally but can also affect us individually, especially if the eclipse falls on our Sun, Moon or our Ascendant.

There will be four eclipses in 2022: two partial solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses.

  • Solar eclipse on April 30th, 16:18 degrees in Aries
  • Lunar eclipse on May 15th, 1:08 degree in Scorpio
  • Solar eclipse on Oct 25th, 7:49 degrees in Libra
  • Lunar eclipse on Nov 8th, 21:50 degrees in Aries

Saturn’s Transit in 2022

In 2022, Saturn transits through Capricorn, briefly enters Aquarius, spends nearly five months in retrograde, and in April has an exact conjunction with Mars. Many people will also experience Saturn’s powerful yoga by transit this year.

Saturn wants us to face our karmic responsibilities. In order to do this, Saturn can put pressures on us. He can cause delays and obstacles, and he is feared by many. But he also helps us to develop discipline, endurance, focus, patience, humility and responsibility.

Saturn moves very slowly and when Saturn transits over a planet he puts pressure on that planet. We will feel his influence over time. In an individual chart we also pay attention to the house that he transits because this reveals an area that will likely need some attention.

Where is Saturn During 2022?

Saturn begins the year in Shravana nakshatra at 17:47 degrees Capricorn.

After February 17th and throughout 2022 Saturn will transit the Dhanishta nakshatra which extends from Capricorn into 6.40 degrees in Aquarius.

Saturn and Mars in a Planetary War

On April 4th and 5th, Saturn and Mars are in a planetary war at 28 degrees Capricorn. This can be a difficult time and we need to be mindful during these days. Saturn and Mars are both very powerful but have different energies. The combination can cause accidents–even violence and war.

On April 28th, Saturn moves to Aquarius but stations at one degree into Aquarius before he goes retrograde on June 4th.

On July 12th Saturn is back in Capricorn where he remains for the rest of the year.

Saturn is retrograde between June 4th and October 23rd.

Does Saturn retrograde diminish Saturn’s good qualities? No, Saturn can still exhibit strength even though retrograde. However, we may need to be thorough in matters ruled by Saturn and allow for more time. He may be slower in delivering results.

When Saturn goes retrograde, he is unusually slow and intense, particularly for those with significant planets at the degree where he stations.

Saturn stations at 1 degree Aquarius for three weeks around the time he turns retrograde on June 4th. Later, when he turns direct on October 23rd, he stations for four weeks at 24 degrees Capricorn.

Saturn’s presence is strong between 24 degrees Capricorn and 1 degree Aquarius this year. If you have planets between these degrees in your chart, Saturn will transit over them three times due to his retrograde.

Saturn ends 2022 at 28 degrees Capricorn.

Is Saturn Transiting Your Natal Moon?

A very important transit in an astrological chart is Saturn’s transit over your moon, known as Sade Sati.

In 2022, Saturn transits between 17 degrees Capricorn and 1 degree Aquarius. If your Moon is placed between these degrees, you will experience deep Sade Sati this year. The mind is often more serious during Sade Sati, perhaps feeling the pressures of changes occurring.

The Strength of Saturn: Sasha Mahapurusha Yoga

Saturn transits his own signs of Capricorn and the beginning of Aquarius in 2022.

Many people will experience Sasha Mahapurusha Yoga by transit in 2022. This yoga brings out Saturn’s strength. The influence of Saturn may still be a challenge but his good qualities can bring success: the ability to work hard, be focused and organized, to have discipline, to serve and to take responsibility.

So who will experience Sasha Mahapurusha yoga by transit in 2022?

If your rising sign is in an angle from Capricorn (that is Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra) you will experience the yoga for most of the year except during Saturn’s transit in Aquarius, from April 28th to July 12th. Those of you whose rising sign is at an angle from Aquarius (that is Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio) will experience this yoga during Saturn’s transit in Aquarius.

Jupiter’s Transit in 2022

Jupiter in Aquarius

Jupiter is in Aquarius until April 13th.

Jupiter gives us opportunities for growth and knowledge. He helps us to expand our horizons and allows us to see the bigger picture. Jupiter gives us hope.

Aquarius looks at the broader humanitarian picture. It is a sign of science and research. The environment, medicine, philosophy and politics are of interest and concern for the Aquarian mindset.

Sun joins Jupiter for a month on February 12th, and Mercury is in Aquarius between March 5th - March 23rd.

Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter will be in Pisces for one year, between April 13th, 2022 and April 2023.

Both Jupiter and Saturn will also be in their own signs and in dignity during 2022 and 2023, which can increase growth and productivity.

When Jupiter is in dignity and in his own sign it will give Hamsa Mahapurusha yoga by transit to everyone with Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius rising signs. Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga manifests Jupiter’s positive qualities: higher knowledge, wisdom, expansion and spirituality.

Jupiter is retrograde between July 28th and November 23rd. He is in retrograde from 14 degrees to 4 degrees in Pisces.

Important Jupiter Conjunctions in 2022

On March 20th there is a planetary war between Jupiter and Mercury while they are both at 24 degrees Aquarius. It is short lived but there may be intense discussions and a likelihood of different opinions or misunderstandings during this time.

On April 30th there will be a planetary war between Jupiter and Venus at 3 degrees in Pisces. Jupiter and Venus are two great benefic planets and they are both in dignity in Pisces. However, considering that a solar eclipse takes place on the same day as this planetary war something negative may result.

The solar eclipse on April 30th is seen in the Antarctic, the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Southwest of South America. Maybe it will bring our attention to the Antarctic ice melt and the rising sea levels. Jupiter / Venus combinations can suggest an excess of something. An excess of water could result in flooding for instance. This conjunction could also lead to problems with over expansion and inflation.

Jupiter Travels with Neptune

Jupiter and the outer planet Neptune are together in Aquarius this year until April 13th. Just when Jupiter moves into Pisces, Neptune also follows and the two planets are together in that Pisces until April 2023.

Jupiter rules Pisces and Neptune rules Pisces in Western astrology which means that we will experience a strong Piscean energy. Spirituality, compassion, idealism, intuition, imagination, creativity and wisdom are some of the trademarks of a strong Neptune/Jupiter combination in Pisces.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury will change signs many times during the year but it is good to know the periods of Mercury retrograde. These periods can potentially bring delays, challenges with communication and things that need to be looked over extra carefully. Mercury will retrograde in earth signs during 2022.

Mercury Retrograde Dates for 2022:

  • January 14 – February 3 (Capricorn)
  • May 10 – June 2 (Taurus)
  • September 10 – October 1 (Virgo)

Mercury stays in Virgo for a long time this year due to the time he spends retrograde in this sign. He is in Virgo between August 20 and October 26, making a great yoga for Mercury called Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga. Those who have Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini rising signs will experience this yoga by transit.

Both Pisces and the opposite sign Virgo will have Mahapurusha yogas at the same time. Perhaps the intuitive Pisces need to work with the practical side of Virgo.

We have some positive transits in 2022, especially the transit of Jupiter in Pisces. With both Saturn and Jupiter in dignity, we can experience positive spiritual growth this year.

Wishing you a good and prosperous year 2022,


2022 Dates to Remember

  • Jan 14 - Feb 3 Mercury retrograde in Capricorn
  • March 20 Jupiter / Mercury planetary war
  • April 4 and 5 Mars / Saturn planetary war
  • April 12 Rahu in Aries
  • April 12 Ketu in Libra
  • April 13 Jupiter in Pisces
  • April 28 Saturn in Aquarius
  • April 30 Solar eclipse in Aries
  • April 30 Jupiter / Venus planetary war
  • May 10 - June 2 Mercury retrograde in Taurus
  • May 15 Lunar eclipse in Scorpio
  • June 4 - Oct 23 Saturn retrograde
  • July 12 Saturn return to Capricorn
  • July 28 - Nov 23 Jupiter retrograde
  • Sep 10 - Oct 1 Mercury retrograde in Virgo
  • Oct 25 Solar eclipse in Libra
  • Nov 8 Lunar eclipse in Aries
Lina Elisabeth Preston
Lina Elisabeth Preston

Lina Elisabeth Preston has been doing astrological consultations for 20 years. She is a certified Jyotish Visharada and member and practitioner with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Lina also works with vedic gemstones. A long time meditator and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lina lives with her husband Binay at Ananda Village, a spiritual community in Northern California. Lina and Binay founded their business Northern Lights in 1990.

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